ما الجديد
ستار دي في بي | StarDVB

أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

هذاالموضوع يخص برامج التورنت فقط وهو دائما متجدد


ستار جديد
برنامج Advanced System Optimizer 3.2.648.12873 لصيانة وتحسين أداء جهازك

Advanced System Optimizer 3.2.648.12873
لصيانة وتحسين أداء جهازك

برنامج Advanced System Optimizer وهو يشمل على أكثرمن 30 أداة لصيانة وتحسين أداء جهازك
والحفاظ على النظام الخاص بك بكل سلاسة وسرعة وخالية من الأخطاء.
البرنامج يتميز بإحتوائه على وجهة سهلة الأستخدام والتى تنظم جميع المهام والوظائف فى أقسام محددة ,
البرنامج يضم العديد والعديد من الوظائف على سبيل المثال أدوات التعامل مع القرص الصلب من عمل فحص
شامل من الأخطاء والغاء تجزئة القرص الصلب ورفع من أدائه وتنظيفه من الملفات المهملة كما أيضا يحتوى
على أدوات تحميك من البرمجيات الخبيثه مثل ملفات التجسس وغيرها من التهديدات التى تضر بجهازك
وأيضا يمكنك البرنامج بحماية ملفاتك من الأخرين المستخدمين جهازك.





ستار جديد
برنامج DVDFab لعمل نسخ احتياطية للاقراص المدمجة DVDs ونسخ افلام الديفيدي

برنامج ممتاز يتيح لك عمل نسخ إحتياطي للأقراص المدمجة DVDs كما يمكنك نسخ أفلام الديفيدي المفضلة لديك على الأقراص المدمجة بمجرد ادخال قرص DVD فارغ و الضغط على بدأ عملية النسخ و البرنامج سهل جدا في الاستخدام يوفر لك خدمة جميلة في نسخ الاحتياطي لأفلامك المفضلة و قد تم تطوير هذا البرنامج منذ 5 سنوات ليوفر لك عملية نسخ الأقراص المدمجة للأفلام الرقمية بأحدث التقنيات.





ستار جديد
Easy CD-DA Extractor Ultimate 16 v. [FFF]


GD3 premium metadata service

- Dolby Pulse AAC and HE AAC encoder

- Multicore audio converter that can run up to 8 parallel conversions

- Support for high-resolution audio including conversion from 5.1 and 7.1

- Enhancements to the Cover Art handling including support for PNG and GIF formats

- User interface improvements

- Improved ReplayGain loudness calculation using accurate ITU-R BS.1770 algorithm

- Can take advantage of processor multimedia features for maximum performance

- Amazon Cover Art search updated

- New Apple Lossless encoder with 24-bit encoding support

- New LAME MP3 encoder (v3.99.4)

- Support for additional metadata fields

- Support for converting audio from video files (.avi .mov .mkv .mpg .mpeg .vob .m2ts .divx .flv)

- Support for Musepack SV7, Musepack SV8, and Ogg Vorbis aoTuV formats

- Ogg Vorbis codec updated to the latest version

- Support for converting pseudo-compressed variant of AIFF known as AIFF-C

Size 13.21 MB


  • Easy.CD-DA.Extractor.16.v16.0.0.1.WORKING.READNFO_CRKEXE-FFF.rar
    2.6 KB · المشاهدات: 2
التعديل الأخير:


ستار جديد
حميل برنامج تحويل الملفات Document Converter Professional v4.5+ Portable

الآن Okdo محول الوثائق الفنية هو تحويل الأكثر تقدما. يملك أقوى وظيفة التحويل. يمكنك تحويل دفعة واحدة بين أي وثيقة، الصورة، PDF ، الخ مع سهولة. يمكن للبرنامج تحويل مع جودة عالية الانتاج وسرعة عالية جدا. وهو برنامج مستقل التي لا تحتاج أدوبي أكروبات دعم البرامج. يمتلك كل الوظائف من سلسلة برامج Okdo.

يدعم doc,docx,docm, xls, xlsx, xlsm, ppt, pptx, pptm, pdf, rtf, txt, htm, html, url, jpg,
jpeg, bmp, gif, tif, wmf, emf, png, jp2, j2k, pcx, rle, tga, ico, swf video etc

يعمل على جميع وينداوز



  • Okdo Document Converter Professional v4.5 + Portable.rar
    17.7 KB · المشاهدات: 3


ستار جديد
Guitar Pro v6.1.1 r10791



Arobas Guitar Pro v6.1.1 r10791 Multilingual Portable |Size 37.80 MB
Arobas Guitar Pro is first and foremost a program designed to edit tablatures for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments from 4 to 8 strings. Its great ease of use and the success of its specific file format have made it a program used by guitarists worldwide. It now includes editing support for many other instruments like the piano or the drums, a realistic audio engine, and interactive tools to support every musician's practice.


  • Guitar Pro v6.1.1 r10791.rar
    12.3 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
برامج شركة Ashampoo







Операционна система: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32 или 64 bit).

90 MB free HDD space

Size 23.23 MB


  • Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 v9.1.0.rar
    15 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
Advanced SystemCare v5.1.0.198 للتحكم بخصائص النظام وتنظيفه واصلاحه






للتحكم بخصائص النظام وتنظيفه واصلاحه من المشاكل
التي يتعرض لها كنقصان السرعة والتحكم بالبرامج التي تبدأ
مع بداية تشغيل الويندوز ومزايا أخرى متنوعة

Операционна система: Windows All (32bit/64bit)

Microsoft® Windows® 8

Hardware Requirements

300 MHz processor or faster processor

256 MB of RAM

30 MB of free hard disk space

Required For All Installations

DVD or CD-ROM drive


ستار جديد
WinTools.net Ultimate Edition v12.1.1 لصيانة النظام وتحسين أدائه




البرنامج عباره عن مجموعه من الأدوات لزيادة كفاءة الويندوز

يزيل بشكل تام البرامج الغير مرغوب فيها من القرص الصلب ويمكنك

من التحكم بالبرامج التى تعمل فى بدء التشغيل ويمكنك من مراقبة

أداء النظام والذاكره العشوائيه ويعطيك الأمكانيه للتحكم بسطح المكتب

وبأعدادت النظام لتزيد من سرعته وأستقراره فهو يخلصك من الملفات

التالفه التى تسبب ثقل الجهاز ويضيف سرعه وأستقرار لأتصالك ويضمن

سريتك ينظف الريجسترى ويزيل من السجل بقايا البرامج التى تم أزالتها
Size 2.33 MB


  • WinTools.net Ultimate Edition v12.1.1.rar
    3.4 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
Dynamic Steam Patcher V3.0 Original


Open Dynpatch.

Open the folder C: / Program Files / steam

Find the little folder named Steam.dll

Copy and paste into a new folder on the desktop.

Explore the folder via Dynpatch

Select Steam.dll



There're 2 / 3 files into the new folder.

You move everything into C: / Program Files / Steam

And reboots steam.
Peers: 1 seeders, 0 leechers, 1 total
Size: 693.66 KB


  • ((Demonoid.me))-Dynpatch_v3_0_How_to_get_all_steam_games_Now_it's_FREE_)_11682577.301.rar
    682 بايت · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
Details for Chameleon Clock - shenyang9


Chameleon Clock is a desktop clock which purpose is to be useful, user-friendly, and beautiful. It is where the power of both features and interface is combined with simplicity.
Check how Chameleon Clock makes a standard Windows tray clock a tiny piece of art by using Winamp skins and bitmap digits. Several skins are included in the distribution as examples; and you can download more from numerous places on the Internet.

Chameleon Clock fully replaces a standard Windows tray clock ! It builds itself right into the taskbar and doesn't eat any desktop space (while can be used as a standalone desktop clock, also).
It's Windows Vista™ compatible and comes with several skins made especially for Vista's dark tray background

Chameleon Clock offers all of the most important features a system clock may have, plus more:

Highly customizable clockface - using Winamp skin and digit styles that exactly meet your tastes;
Building itself into the taskbar, replacing Windows clock and not eating any desktop space.
Wallpaper Clock and Screensaver, specially developed for Chameleon Clock by famous art wallpaper studio Vladstudio.com
100% accurate - by synchronizing the computer's clock with Atomic Clock Servers;
Enhanced alarms - show messages with custom icons, open applications and documents, and shutdown computer at specified time;
Play sounds in MP3, MIDI, WAV, and CD Audio formats with Fade In, Winamp playlist support;
Talking Clock multilingual feature;
Showing the current time over the world;
Advanced tooltip - quick access to any information important for you;
Quick access to Julian date, Swatch time, and moon phases in the Advanced Tooltip and the calendar.
Position on top of other windows and screensavers (except DirectX);
Enhanced calendar and ladies' periods watch (function that can be hidden from casuals)
Support of transparent background, blink colon, date and seconds, 12/24-hours format, and other clockface options;
Multilingual interface support;
Easy hiding with just one mouse click and restoring with just one mouse movement;
Support of WinOrganizer and Quick To-Do Pro (packages are available at 20% discount);
Complete help system using the latest HTML Help technology for easy searching the answers for your questions.

Pls share & seed
Peers: 1 seeders, 0 leechers, 1 total
Size: 3.49 MB


  • O-Demonoid.me-O_Chameleon_Clock_shenyang9_11682577.301.rar
    1.6 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
تحميل J.River Media Center v17.0.89 Final 2012




Music, photos, and video YOUR way - all from a single software program! Connect your PC to your home entertainment hardware and control it all with a remote! Load your music on your iPod while you watch TV! All with one easy-to-use program - MEDIA CENTER! J.River Media Center has a new user interface designed to make it even easier to organize, find and play your digital files, and to connect to hardware devices. All-in-one media management app turns any Windows PC into an entertainment hub for complete control of your digital media. It connects PC to stereo, TV, remote control devices, digital cameras, scanners, and portable MP3 players. It plays all media, rips, burns, and organizes all your music, images, and video. MC encodes and plays all popular media formats. Powerful utilities include Media Server for streaming music and images to remote PCs.
Complete Feature List
Collect, Organize and Play™
Music, Images and Video in one program with all the tools to manage and enjoy them. All the ripping, burning, importing, playlisting, and syncing you expect from a jukebox application, and much, much more...
• Supports over 80 media file formats
• Create custom Playlists and Smartlists from your media library
• Rips and encodes to WMA, OGG, APE, MP3, FLAC and more
• Freeware CD and DVD data burning
• Support for popular MP3 devices, including iPod®, Creative® and SanDisk® players
• Leading edge organization and customization options
• Selectable skins and Slim View with cool translucent effect
• Search, download and play rich content from Google Video/Images, YouTube and SHOUTcast - all without leaving the application
• Support for PlaysForSure devices and music subscription services
• Unique Action Window for a quick route to tasks such as burn, tag or handheld sync.
• Theater View fullscreen mode for the 10-foot interface experience. Browse media on your TV
• Media Mode buttons for fast access to media type: music, photos, videos
• Integrated CD labeler for printing custom labels and covers
• Podcast support, including one click subscriptions
• pix01 photo and video gallery feature. Create, upload and share photo and video albums on the web - for free!
• Powerful, flexible burning engine - multiple burns, split large files across discs
• Fast and efficient file tagging system
• Automatic folder monitoring and import of newly added files
• Mouse wheel zooming and panning for pictures, video, DVD and TV
• Customizable View schemes -- Best file organization of any jukebox
• Freeform Mini View skins
• Support for Standard View skins
• Support for Winamp 2 skins
• 40+ visualizations, and support for White Cap and the latest G-Force visualizations
• New Display View mode
• Remote control support
• Cross-fading and gapless playback
• Media Server -- Home networking
• Replay Gain (volume leveling)
• In-line file property editing
• Plug-in support, including third-party plug-ins
• Web TV and radio
• Find CD retailer search
• Online Artist info search
• Visualization Studio - create and save your own visualizations
• Media Scheduler
• Integrated Download Manager
• DSP/EQ Studio
• Media Editor for editing sound files
• Broadcast and cable TV (with tuner card)
• DVD playback and recording
• Digital image organization and tagging
• 3D visualizations
• Flexible database that allows unlimited new fields to be added
• Cover View -- shows album art/image for each track or CD or DVD
• TV recording and instant-replay, Pause, Resume, FFWD, REW
• Pane View and Tag mode for the easy selection and tagging of files
• Integrated music/image slideshow
• Preset Smartlists -- 1 hour of random music, Last 100 tracks played, etc.
• ASIO Playback
• Multi-Zone Playback
• Web or FTP upload of media files
• TiVo Home Media Option support for music and images. Enjoy your Playlists through TiVo
• Support for Universal Plug 'n' Play devices e.g. Media streamers
• Document support with full text searching/indexing
• Basic image editing
• Multi-Zone Synchronization
• Split View feature - Open Library and Playing Now windows together
• Freeware Integrated support for Audible™ audiobook store
• Freeware File transfer support for Sony PlayStation Portable™


  • JRiver Media Center v17.0.89.rar
    13.3 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
BitTorrent 7.6.0 Build 26751 Stable


برنامج BitTorrent برنامج يقوم بتنزيل ملفات البرامج أو الأفلام أو الألعاب. عن طريق شركة خاصه تقوم بالتأكد من كل ملف يقوم برفعه الشخص.

Size 5.79 MB


  • BitTorrent 7.6.0 build 26751 Stable.rar
    2.3 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
Mozilla Firefox 10.0.2 Final (EN + Portable)

Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows.

Mozilla Firefox is focused on improved memory handling, performance, and stability, improved XUL, and new core components such as application data stored in SQLite. Mozilla Firefox could break a few existing extensions and applications built on top of Firefox, and it will definitely include new optimizations if you like to build on the popular browser. Mozilla Firefox should have additional javascript and SVG features if you're into that sort of thing.

Features in Firefox include:
- Easy migration: Switching to Firefox has never been easier now that Firefox imports data like Favorites, history, settings, cookies and passwords from Internet Explorer. Firefox can also import settings from Mozilla 1.x, Netscape and Opera.
- Smaller Download: Continuing efforts to make this the most efficient browser, the Windows version of Firefox is now only a 4.7 MB download, making downloading Firefox a breeze for dial-up and broadband users alike.
- New Default Theme: A new default theme provides a bright new look for Windows and Linux users.
- SmartUpdate: A new SmartUpdate feature notifies users of new versions of Firefox to ensure that the browser is always up to date.
- Help: A new online help system makes this one powerful, friendly browser.
- Extension/Theme Manager: New Extension and Theme Managers provide a convenient and secure way to manage and update the hundreds of add-ons that set Firefox apart from other browsers.
Mozilla Firefox also includes numerous bug fixes and incremental improvements, including faster page load speed.
- Popup Blocking: Stop annoying popup ads in their tracks with Firefox's built in popup blocker.
- Tabbed Browsing: View more than one web page in a single window with this time saving feature. Open links in the background so that they're ready for viewing when you're ready to read them.
- Smarter Search: Google Search is built right into the toolbar, and there are a plethora of other search tools including Keywords (type "dict " in the Location Bar), and FastFind (start typing the first few letters of some text in the page and Firefox takes you there).
- Privacy and Security: Built with your Security in mind, Firefox keeps your computer safe from malicious spyware by not loading harmful ActiveX controls. A comprehensive set of privacy tools keep your online activity your business.
- Hassle-Free Downloading: Files you download are automatically saved to your Desktop so they're easy to find. Fewer prompts mean files download quicker.
- Fits Like a Glove: Simple and intuitive, yet fully featured, Firefox has all the functions you're used to - Bookmarks, History, Full Screen, Text Zooming to make pages with small text easier to read, etc.
- S M L XL XXL XXXL: Firefox is the most customizable browser on the planet. Customize your toolbars to add additional buttons, install new Extensions that add new features, add new Themes to browse with style, and use the adaptive search system to allow you to search an infinite number of engines. Firefox is as big or small as you want.
- Setup's a Snap: At only 4.7MB (Windows), Firefox only takes minutes to download over a fast connection. The installer gets you set up quickly, and the new Easy Transition system imports all of your settings - Favorites, passwords and other data from Internet Explorer and other browsers - so you can start surfing right away.
- A Developer's Best Friend: Firefox comes with a standard set of developer tools including a powerful javascript and CSS error/warning console, and an optional Document Inspector that gives unheard of insight into how your pages work.

OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English

Size 46.99 MB


  • Mozilla Firefox 10.0.2 Final.rar
    15.2 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
Unlock Root v2.3




v2.3.0 updates:

-- Support ICS deivec root (Galaxy Nexus, Transformer Prime, Motorola RAZR, Acer A200)

Size 9.27 MB


  • Unlock Root v2.3.rar
    12 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
Ultra Audio Recorder


Ultra Audio Recorder
An application designed to help you easily record audio files | 7.1 MB
Ultra Audio recorder is professional software to record your tapes, LPs, live performances, Internet radio, TV, DVD or any sound you can hear. ultra Audio Recorder helps you to transfer audio data to your hard drive with on loss of quality.

Ultra Audio Recorder can also be used an effective tool for re-encoding and thus saving valuable old recordings. Here are some key features of "Ultra Audio Recorder":

· Record any audible sound source such as Internet radio broadcasts (streaming audio) through the computer speakers.
· Select desired sound quality before recording audio data.
· Transfer live performances recorded by traditional equipment on your computer.
· Save recordings as MP3, WAV or WMA format. Compressed MP3 sound files are usually small enough to publish on the Internet or to send as attachments in an E-mail message.
· Transfer tapes to CD! On a CD player you can more easily jump to the fragment you need and also makes it easier to replay the same fragment over and over again.

· Processo
r type: Pentium
· Processor speed: 166 MHz
· Memory (Cache): 64 MB RAM Minimum
· Hard disk: IDE
· Soundcard: MME-compatible Soundcard
· Graphics: 256 colors with 800 x 600 resolution


  • Ultra.Audio.Recorder.v7.4.4.278-LAXiTY.rar
    2.8 KB · المشاهدات: 2


ستار جديد
VueScan Pro 9.0.82 Multilanguage (x86/x64)+الكراك والسيريال


VueScan Pro 9.0.82 Multilanguage (x86/x64) | 13.33 MB
VueScan, the world's most popular scanner software, is used extensively by photographers, home users, scanning services and corporations. VueScan is a scanning program that works with most high-quality flatbed and film scanners to produce scans that have excellent color fidelity and color balance. It is very easy to use, and also has advanced features for restoring faded colors, batch scanning and other features used by professional photographers.


ستار جديد
µTorrent/uTorrent v3.1.2 build 26773 Stable


نبذه عن البرنامج
برنامج µtorrent من اقوى برامج الـ تورنت قوي وسريع وذو حجم صغير من اسرع برامج تنزيل ملفات التورنت وقد حصل على العديد من الجوائز في مجال عمله تستطيع معه تنزل افلام وتنزل مسلسلات وتنزل برامج وتنزل العاب وتنزل العاب جوال ونغمات وثيمات وبرامج موبايل وتنزيل معه كل ما تجده هناك حتى انك تنزل العديد من الكتب والعديد من تصاميم المواقع الجاهزة ودروس بالفيديو والعادي والكثير الكثير معه برنامج قوي ورائع وسريع ويعتبر من افضل برامج تسريع تنزيل الملفات على الإطلاق وهو متوافق مع Windows All

Size 726.37 kB


  • µTorrent 3.1.2 build 26773 Stable.rar
    687 بايت · المشاهدات: 0