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لاول مرة في المنتديات العربية.احدت المجلات والكتب الاجنبية المتخصصة فى عالم الكمبيوتر


كبار الشخصيات
busted قال:
موضوع متميز منك كالعادة اخي 1 firi

اشهر المجلات العالمية وبأخر اعدادها

يسلموا ايديك يارب ونتمنى منك المداومة في تحديث الموضوع بالجديد دوريا

شكرا اخي عبد القادر على الكلام الجميل وان شاء الله الموضوع يكون متجدد باستمرار

تحياتي الصادقة

DVB Master

كبار الشخصيات
عمل لايقل روعة عن شخص الإنسان الذي قدمه

أتمنى عزيزي firi1 إستمرار النجاح والتألق والموضوع يستحق التثبيت ألف مرة , وشكر خاص لجيفارا لأن سبق بالتثبيت



كبار الشخصيات
DVB Master قال:
عمل لايقل روعة عن شخص الإنسان الذي قدمه

أتمنى عزيزي firi1 إستمرار النجاح والتألق والموضوع يستحق التثبيت ألف مرة , وشكر خاص لجيفارا لأن سبق بالتثبيت


شكرا اخى الغالى مؤمن على الكلمات الرقيقة وان شاء الله اكون دائما عند حسن الضن

تحياتى الصادقةthumb:


كبار الشخصيات
Windows XP Bible

Windows XP Bible




Description: Comprehensive in its treatment of Microsoft's latest and greatest operating system for the masses, Alan Simpson's Windows XP Bible has an answer to most "How do I..." questions that are likely to arise in the minds of Windows XP users, particularly those who aren't too familiar with recent versions of Windows. If you're going to buy a Windows XP reference book for your office, this would be a good choice. The author – the respected Alan Simpson, who's put out similarly comprehensive books before – must have incredible patience, because he manages to document almost every Windows procedure down to the last option and the final "OK" click. Most people won't need this level of handholding – almost everyone has gained knowledge of the basic Windows conventions by now – and perhaps this book could have been more compact (as it is, it's pretty hefty) or contained more obscure details without it. But don't accuse Simpson of neglecting details.[cut]

No one will read this book front to back. Most visits will begin with the table of contents (which is very detailed) or the index (which is even more so). A page-flip or two later, readers will have explanatory prose (which is clear and detailed, and almost always strictly businesslike without being off-putting) and a procedure or two with numbered steps. The procedures have a particularly good design when it comes to options – it's clear what happens if you make different choices in dialog boxes. Again, coverage is absolutely comprehensive, with detailed explanations and procedures extending even to Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) and the new Internet Connection Firewall (ICF). – David Wall

Topics covered: Microsoft Windows XP (Professional Edition and Home Edition) for beginning and intermediate-level users of the operating system, with a few bones thrown in for more advanced users. Internet connectivity (standalone and shared), file management, administrative duties such as backing up files and uninstalling programs, local-area networks (LANs), and all other user-level aspects of Windows XP are covered. Chapters on portable computer issues and security are particularly nice.
Total size, mb: 16.020


كبار الشخصيات
كتـــــــــاب java script BIBLE


من هنـــــــــــــــــــا

If JavaScript can do it, you can do it too... Create Web pages brimming with dynamic content. Engage your site visitors with programmed style sheets that respond instantly to user interaction. Take charge of your user interface by controlling CSS, plug-ins, Javaandtrade; applets, and even XML data. Premier JavaScript authority Danny Goodman teams up with developer/inventor Michael Morrison to help you bring your pages to life, whether you re a beginner or a JavaScript pro. You ll find what you need in this extensively revised edition an updated, standards-intensive tutorial for newcomers, and plenty of advanced detail for veterans. Inside, you ll find complete coverage of JavaScript Get up to speed fast on JavaScript basics with an updated tutorial tailored for newcomers Master JavaScript and DOM concepts with Danny Goodman s exclusive interactive workbench, The Evaluator Apply scripting to Web standards XHTML, DOM, CSS, and XML to produce future-compatible pages Implement cross-browser dynamic HTML applications for MSIE 6, Mozillaandtrade;, Safariandtrade;, and other browsers Energize your content with custom objects, XML data, and other client-side techniques Learn in depth from hundreds of fully scripted example HTML pages Bonus CD-ROM includes Full, searchable PDF version of the book 22 bonus chapters covering advanced DOM, XML, and JavaScript objects; dynamic HTML, data validation, plug-ins, and security; techniques for developing and debugging professional Web-based applications, and more Nine complete JavaScript real-world applications Over 300 ready-to-run HTML documents demonstrating most of the Document Object Model and JavaScript terms in the book


كبار الشخصيات
كتاب HTML 4


من هنــــــــــــــــــا

Hard core programmers would say that HTML is for dummies. Even so,for those of us who want to build and maintain our own Web sites, but cringe at the sight of anything resembling a programming language, HTML 4 for Dummies is the hand-holding guide to help us through those processes. Because many HTML editors do all the site-building work for you, it's strange the authors chose to wait until appendix C in the back of the book to explain why you must know HTML. Still, their reasons for learning HTML are sound, and the advice they dispense is solid. Beyond going through the ins and outs of HTML tags, the book does a fine job of explaining what design elements work and how to avoid common mistakes. The section on XHTML ensures that budding site builders have all the latest tools at their disposal. Whether your goal is to build a simple, text-oriented Web site or one loaded with frames, graphics, and animation, HTML 4 for Dummies will put you on the right track. --John Frederick Moore


كبار الشخصيات
How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL

How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL


Author: Vikram Vaswani
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Publication Date: 2005-03-31

This new release in the popular How to Do Everything series explains how to build open source web applications with MySQL and PHP 5. Using these two tools, you�ll be able to create highly functional, interactive web sites easily. Follow along with a step-by-step sample application and, as a bonus, download three full-length case studies complete with code trees.

