هذا رابط الموضوع للمشتركين بالموقع
وهو بعنوان Premium content
وهذه ترجمه جوجل له
Good day to all forum members
I will try to put thoughts in order. I hope that will communicate clearly and simply. So
first. Leaks Passwords I zadolbali . Not many of you realize that there anlim, it largely depends on the confidentiality of passwords. 70% of this truth deep fuck , because they are selfish dormoedy that still manage to vyebnutsya about what falls to them for nothing (they say I'm breaking some unwritten rule out there. Citizens, usually one on my Mac - I do not have other rules .) you - the witnesses, I suffered for a long time. Leak had a lot of (well, just about 10 times). But everything has its limits in this matter. The last time there was a leak because of me, BUT! Again, a group of people called me ED (selfish dormoedami) instead of just point me to an error in drugs, decided to show off Robin Hoods and give all happiness. Alas, this is the last hope for the adequacy of the brain in those individuals who exhausted.
second. I have no one who complains. But I consider it necessary to introduce people to the course of the case. Without going into details, I will say that I dumped a very nasty disease, from which I had long and climbs over expensive. My partial recovery as soon as I leave and many other amenities, but it is not the point. In connection with all this dirty trick, my mode of operation (and life) has changed radically. That is, now I'm just not able to sit permanently on the site and watch for small backbiters, etc. The conclusion of this paragraph is that I'm not going to pay more money for the happiness ED'ov. Just do not measure even. I believe that investing my own money, with respect to this category of people is over once and for all.
third. simple truth - there is no money, no anlim. Currently, there are injections. And very good. BUT. These injections come from the people who are not interested in that for their money, the rest (see local speculators, as comrades overseas, exactly like the CIS nothing to do with matters quite) happily led a wonderful business.
Fourth. The sum of the first paragraph of the leaks and the third - about money. A conclusion, dear friends, are now - who pays - he gets. Naturally, this is not way does not apply to persons to whom I trust and who stand behind the creation of this forum and site a whole. NO
Do not try my patience. Do not believe me.
وهذه الفكره التى تخصنا والخاصه بكلمات السر
DEAR FISHING, please spare me, myself and others from various types of whining about the passwords.
Henceforth, they will not be in the Public.
Say thank you to all those who have them merged. This contribution on their shoulders.
Passwords will be issued in accordance with established rules of the forum for groups zone214.
Public registration will be closed forever , but you can easily register with the recommendations of friends, as is already done by many users.
How will it be?
It's very simple. 3 levels of access. Silver, Gold and level for patrons.
For silver - all the ordinary releases.
For gold - all signed, including a blur.
Patrons will continue to see a familiar list of their passwords.
Our major headache - local speculators.
They are people without conscience, and in part, without the brain. As a rule dull and brazen.
If I could give the rest of the content and leave them without it, without resorting to such methods, I would do it. But alas, all my efforts during the last six months, flowed at a loss to me just the same. Unfortunately, not all guys like to replay, offer real help to the project and site. 99% of the rest - sitting and waiting for the gift. But I'm sorry comrade. Sellers - YOU PRICK. The shop is closed.
I'd rather work for 10 to 20 and people, but for people who really understand what and how the works here.
On the sim let leave.
Lastly, the question for the appropriate users, who are interested in premium.
Offer price. We will try to reach consensus.
Only let no 1,2,3. Think wisely.
وده اقتراح حاطه فى رد ان يكون لكل باسورد واحد لفيلم او لعبه ثمن يعنى تتدفع ثمن لباسورد ماده واحده محمله
There is an idea.
make access easier.
That is, paid for - got.
describing. Let us put a price on each release. Paid - was pass.
As an option?
وهذه اقتراح اخر
Or a third option. even easier.
access only to those who deserve it on this site.
And why is it I am inclined to this option.