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فعلا اخوتي لم تصدر نسخة rip جيدة لهذا الفلم
جميع النسخ تصور cam
انا افضل الانتظار على مشاهدته cam
سيتم تحميل لعبه Alan Wake.v + 2 DLC (2012/RUS/ENG/2xDVD5/Repack от Fenixx
Release date: February 16, 2012
Release date in Russia: February 16, 2012
Genre: Action (Survival Horror) / 3D / 3rd Person
Multiplayer: None
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Microsoft
Publisher in Russia: Microsoft
Localizer: Microsoft
Publication Type: Repack (Licenses)
Platform: PC
Language: English, Russian
Language: English
Tablet: enclosing (SKiDROW.v
Dating Game: http://www.alanwake.com
System requirements
Operating System: XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Dual Core - 2.8 GHz \ Quad Core - 3,2 GHz
RAM: 2048 MB \ 4096 MB
Free hard disk space: 7380 MB
Video: (512 MB) \ (1024 MB)
File System: FAT, NTFS
Important: Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall
A psychological thriller Alan Wake, created by the authors Novels Max Payne, immerses players in a world where nightmares come to life the most terrible and secret fears. Unexpected plot twists await at every turn - the game captures and keeps in suspense from first to last frame.
The protagonist of the game - the writer, Alan Wake, a recognized master of thrillers, is going through a creative crisis. In search of inspiration, he sent along with the bride in the quiet town of Bright Falls. However, there is the beloved Alan mysteriously disappears, and begins a series of chilling nightmares. Reality and fantasy are mixed, and to survive, Alan will have to use all means available. And his most powerful ally in the fight against darkness becomes light.
هل لهذا المسلسل اوديو باللغة الانكليزية يا أخ مصطفى؟
ID: 1
Format: MPEG Audio
Format version: Version 1
Format profile: Layer 3
Mode: Joint stereo
Mode extension: MS Stereo
Codec ID: 55
Codec ID / Hint: MP3
Duration : 1H 28mn
Bit rate mode: Variable
Bit rate: 192 Kbps
[COLOR="red"]Channel (s): 2 channels
[/COLOR]Sampling rate: 48.0 KHz
mode Compression: Lossy
Stream size: 121 MiB (10%)
Alignment: Aligned on interleaves
Writing Library: LAME3.97b
Encoding settings:-mj-V 4-q 3-lowpass 18.6 - abr 192
هل تم تحميل ألعاب farcry and singularity
هذه الصورة أخي نواف وعذرا على التأخر