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أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

متابعة آخر أخبار الجروب الروسى وكل ما يتعلق به ( محدث )

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.


كبار الشخصيات
سيتم تحميل مجموعه مسلسلات بتاريخ اليوم 15-02-2012 وتضم الاتى


كبار الشخصيات
سيتم تحميل لعبه Alan Wake.v + 2 DLC (2012/RUS/ENG/2xDVD5/Repack от Fenixx


Release date: February 16, 2012
Release date in Russia: February 16, 2012
Genre: Action (Survival Horror) / 3D / 3rd Person
Multiplayer: None
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Microsoft
Publisher in Russia: Microsoft
Localizer: Microsoft
Publication Type: Repack (Licenses)
Platform: PC
Language: English, Russian
Language: English
Tablet: enclosing (SKiDROW.v
Dating Game: http://www.alanwake.com

System requirements

Operating System: XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Dual Core - 2.8 GHz \ Quad Core - 3,2 GHz
RAM: 2048 MB \ 4096 MB
Free hard disk space: 7380 MB
Video: (512 MB) \ (1024 MB)
File System: FAT, NTFS
Important: Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall


A psychological thriller Alan Wake, created by the authors Novels Max Payne, immerses players in a world where nightmares come to life the most terrible and secret fears. Unexpected plot twists await at every turn - the game captures and keeps in suspense from first to last frame.
The protagonist of the game - the writer, Alan Wake, a recognized master of thrillers, is going through a creative crisis. In search of inspiration, he sent along with the bride in the quiet town of Bright Falls. However, there is the beloved Alan mysteriously disappears, and begins a series of chilling nightmares. Reality and fantasy are mixed, and to survive, Alan will have to use all means available. And his most powerful ally in the fight against darkness becomes light.​

Shark DVB

كبار الشخصيات
سيتم تحميل لعبه Alan Wake.v + 2 DLC (2012/RUS/ENG/2xDVD5/Repack от Fenixx

Release date: February 16, 2012
Release date in Russia: February 16, 2012
Genre: Action (Survival Horror) / 3D / 3rd Person
Multiplayer: None
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Microsoft
Publisher in Russia: Microsoft
Localizer: Microsoft
Publication Type: Repack (Licenses)
Platform: PC
Language: English, Russian
Language: English
Tablet: enclosing (SKiDROW.v
Dating Game: http://www.alanwake.com

System requirements

Operating System: XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Dual Core - 2.8 GHz \ Quad Core - 3,2 GHz
RAM: 2048 MB \ 4096 MB
Free hard disk space: 7380 MB
Video: (512 MB) \ (1024 MB)
File System: FAT, NTFS
Important: Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall


A psychological thriller Alan Wake, created by the authors Novels Max Payne, immerses players in a world where nightmares come to life the most terrible and secret fears. Unexpected plot twists await at every turn - the game captures and keeps in suspense from first to last frame.
The protagonist of the game - the writer, Alan Wake, a recognized master of thrillers, is going through a creative crisis. In search of inspiration, he sent along with the bride in the quiet town of Bright Falls. However, there is the beloved Alan mysteriously disappears, and begins a series of chilling nightmares. Reality and fantasy are mixed, and to survive, Alan will have to use all means available. And his most powerful ally in the fight against darkness becomes light.

من أجمل ألعاب الرعب التي لعبتها جرافيكس مذهل وقصة ممتازة

نصيحة لاتفوتوها

وشكرا أخي أهلى على المتابعة المستمرة , بارك الله فيك


كبار الشخصيات
سيتم تحميل فيلم Puss in Boots (2011/BDRip/720p


Information about the film

Title: Puss in Boots Original title: Puss in Boots Released: 2011 Genre: animation, fantasy, comedy, adventure Director: Chris Miller Starring: Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis, Billy Bob Thornton, Amy Sedaris, Constance Marie, Guillermo del Toro, Rich Dietl, Ryan Craig, Tom Wheeler About the movie: Swords cross and hearts will be broken up in the adventures of one of the favorite characters from Shrek - Puss in Boots. This is a daring trip to the early years of Puss in Boots, as he teams up with a clever Humpty Dumpty as smart Kitty to steal the famous Goose that lays golden eggs.


United States, Buckaroo (XviD) Quality: HDRip [Reap with BDRip 720p] Video: 1707 kb / s, 720x304 Audio: AC3, 448 kb / s (6 ch) Size: 1.400 M



كبار الشخصيات
السلام عليكم اخوتي
ياريت لو احد يحط صورة لملفات اللعبة لانه صارت عندي خربطة وحذفتها دون قصد واحاول استعادتها


كبار الشخصيات
ستم تحميل مسلسل Alcatraz / Сезон: 1 / Серии: 1-6 () (Брэд Андерсон, Джек Бендер, Дэнни Кэннон) [2012, боевик, триллер, детектив, WEB-DLRip] MVO LostFilm

الحلقات كامله التى تم تحميلها الى الان ( مسلسل رائع انصحكم بتحميله )


Year : 2012
Country : USA
Genre : Action, Thriller, Mystery
Length : 45 min
Translation : Professional vociferous voice-over (LostFilm)
Subtitles : None

Director : Brad Anderson, Jack Bender, Danny Cannon

Cast : Jonathan Coyne, Samuel Patrick Chu, Jorge Garcia, Sarah Jones, Jeffrey Pierce, David Hoflin, Joe Egender, Dzhinenn Goossen, Sam Neill, James Bamford Description : The story of Dr. Diego Soto, the world's best expert on the most famous American prison, "Alcatraz", located on an island off the coast of San Francisco. Soto discovers a mystery involving the mysterious disappearance of prisoners and guards, "Alcatraz" many years ago and their sudden appearance is inoperative in the prison (it was closed in 1963) today. Sample : http://multi-up.com/632208 Quality : WEB-DLRip Format : AVI Video codec : XviD Audio codec : MP3 Video : 1689 Kbps / 720:400 p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / 0.245 bit / pixel / Audio : 48 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~ 128.00 kbps avg



كبار الشخصيات
هل لهذا المسلسل اوديو باللغة الانكليزية يا أخ مصطفى؟

يوجد به قناتين صوتيتين

ID: 1 
Format: MPEG Audio 
Format version: Version 1 
Format profile: Layer 3 
Mode: Joint stereo 
Mode extension: MS Stereo 
Codec ID: 55 
Codec ID / Hint: MP3 
Duration : 1H 28mn 
Bit rate mode: Variable 
Bit rate: 192 Kbps 
[COLOR="red"]Channel (s): 2 channels 
[/COLOR]Sampling rate: 48.0 KHz 
mode Compression: Lossy 
Stream size: 121 MiB (10%) 
Alignment: Aligned on interleaves 
Writing Library: LAME3.97b 
Encoding settings:-mj-V 4-q 3-lowpass 18.6 - abr 192


كبار الشخصيات
سيتم تحميل لعبه Anno 2070 Deluxe Edition v (2011/Новый Диск/RUS/Repack от Fenixx


Release date: November 17, 2011
Release date in Russia: November 17, 2011
Genre: Strategy (Manage \ Busin. \ Real-time) \ 3D
Multiplayer: -
Developer: Related Designs
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Publisher in Russia: New Disc
Localizer: New Disk
Publication Type: Repack (Licenses)
Platform: PC
Language: Russian
Language: Russian
Tablet: enclosing (RELOADED.v
Dating Game: http://nd.ru/catalog/products/anno2070/

System requirements

Operating System: XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Dual Core - 2.0 GHz or Athlon 64
RAM: 2048 MB
Free hard disk space: 3617 MB
Graphics Card: GeForce 7 or Radeon HD 2000 \ GeForce 500 or Radeon HD 6000 (512MB), (Shader Model 3.0)
File System: FAT, NTFS
Important: Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall


Just a few decades around the world has changed beyond recognition. Global climate change has led to what is familiar continents have disappeared in the depths of the sea. From now on, human life is connected with the islands and the endless expanse of ocean waters. But even in such conditions, the development does not stop, but only grows!
A brand new game of the legendary series Anno again please its many fans scale changes. At this time, you have to take the side of the faction of environmentalists and magnates, to build a huge mega-cities on the islands and go down to the amazing underwater world. Use the unique technology, strengthen its military power, prepare for the economic wars and local conflicts! You will be able to pass an exciting single-player campaign, to help friends in cooperative play, or choose opponents for an epic confrontation with an advanced network system of achievements and detailed statistics.​


ستار جديد
خخخخ لم أحمل حتى واحد من هذه القوائم بسبب انشغالي. حظي مع هالقروب غير جيد أو بالأصح طريقة عملهم غير جيدة اذ انه لايوجد وقت محدد للتحميل كل يوم.
التعديل الأخير:


ستار جديد
انا انقطعت فترة عن التحميل من هذا القرووب وعدت تقريبا قبل اسبوع و حملت فيلم TheTwilight بنجاح وقلت سوف ادع الجهاز يعمل فربما يقومون بالتحميل في اي وقت لكنهم لم يقومو بتحميل اي شيء خلال اليومين التالين لكن اليوم هو افضل يوم للتحميل بالنسبة لي فتوفر فيها الكم والنوع
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.