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كبار الشخصيات
الحقيقة أنا في سوريا وماعم تنقطع عنا الكهربا هيك لهالدرجة
يتم الان تحميل ملف
Windows_207_20Ultimate_20SP1_20Original_20x32bit_20By_20StartSoft.iso من ماك غريب


كبار الشخصيات
من الماك 22ab101694
اول مره اسمع عنه
بس ياريت تحمل عشان السرعه ضايعه​


ستار جديد
يا جماعة assassin creed نزللها تحديث حجمه 800 ميغا...الماك الروسي بيحمل هيك شغلات و لا نجيب التحديث من شي محل انترنت؟


كبار الشخصيات
يا جماعة assassin creed نزللها تحديث حجمه 800 ميغا...الماك الروسي بيحمل هيك شغلات و لا نجيب التحديث من شي محل انترنت؟

ممكن تبعتلى لينك التحديث على الخاص وطريقه تسطيبه وشكرا


كبار الشخصيات
سيتم تحميل لعبه [?] [!] [>] Batman: Arkham City + 11 DLC (PC/2011/RUS/ENG/RePack from RGReCoding)

Year: 2011
Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person / Stealth
Developer: Rocksteady Studios
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment / 1C-SoftKlab
Platform: PC Publication Type: RePack
Language: English / Russian
Language: English
Crack: enclosing (NeoGame) System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 4800 +
Hard drive space: 17 GB
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
Graphics card: ATI 3850HD with 512 MB of graphics memory or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT with 512MB Description:
Arkhem - an area where rampant released from a psychiatric clinic and to their own mad, inveterate criminals and maniacs. This is a black spot in the heart of Gotham City, separated from the surrounding city impregnable wall. And as you know, where the evil - and there Batman! In Arkheme legendary man-bat to meet many famous heroes and villains, and players will be felt, what it is - to be the Dark Knight. Features:
In the spectacular fights Batman is already used as otochennye to perfection, as well as new techniques and skills. Life in Arkhem City - is a fierce battle in the streets, intense espionage mission, exciting investigation, epic battles with supervillains in which the identity of Batman can be revealed from an unexpected quarter.
This time, Batman will perform well against the organized and skilled opponents, who are trained to use heavy weapons, assault teams and attack from all sides. However, man-bat is not easy: he now has twice as many combat moves - attacks, counterattacks and crushing blows.
For the story «Batman: Arkhem City" meets the five-time winner of the "Emmy" writer Paul Dini (Paul Dini). From his pen came a fascinating story, unfolding in a terrible and beautiful place. After the closure of hospitals and prisons Arkhem Blekgeyt new mayor of Gotham ordered to allocate part of the city to create a private area, which included both industrial and historic neighborhoods. It is named Arkhem City.
Players will meet many heroes and villains of the universe, man-bat. Among them are two-faced, Harley Quinn, Penguin, Hugo Strange, Victor Zsaszom, Kalendarnik, Joker, Zagadochnik and many others.
Another game character «Batman: Arkhem City" will be a charming cat. In a beautiful superheroine is its own history, intertwined with the adventures of Batman, and its ability, fighting techniques and equipment will give everyone a completely new feel of the game.
Along with the familiar wonders of technology at the disposal of Batman will be a completely new device, such as decoder (Cryptographic Sequencer) and smoke grenades (Smoke Pellets), significantly extending the range of his superpowers.
The main heroes of the game, Batman and the Joker, gave their votes to the Hollywood stars Mark Hamill, who played the famous Jedi Luke Skywalker, and Kevin Conroy, Batman of the many permanent cartoon

وسيتم تحميل لعبه [+] [!] [@] LA Noire: The Complete Edition (PC/2011/1S-SoftKlab/RUS/ENG/RePack from a1chem1st)

Game Information : Year : 2011 Genre : Action / Adventure / 3D / 3rd Person Developer : Rockstar Leeds Publisher : Rockstar Games Platform : PC Interface Language : Russian Language voice : English Publication Type : RePack Medicine : Enclosing Size : 12.78 GB
System Requirements : Operating System : Windows Vista / XP / Windows 7 Processor : Intel or AMD Dual Core 2.2 GHz (for Intel) or 2.4GHz (for AMD) RAM : 2 GB Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT / Radeon HD3000 c 512 MB ​​hard disk space : 3.13 GB

Description : America, the end of the 1940s - the golden age of Hollywood. In Cole Phelps, a detective of the police department of Los Angeles, there is no quiet everyday life - in the booming metropolis rife with corruption and drug trafficking, every now and then committed the murder and robbery. Phelps is a fair law, relentlessly battling crime, taking root even in the ranks of his colleagues. Arson attacks racketeers, brutal murders, conspiracies - untangling the ball of the atrocities, meticulous police gradually will be selected to most closely guarded secrets of the crime the City of Angels ...​


كبار الشخصيات
سؤال لو في لعبة او فلم بتتحمل دلوقتي عندي علي اسكاي في مصر هل بتتحمل عند الجميع في نفس الوقت ولا في فرق توقيت بين الدول

طبعا اخى الكريم
ده تردد واحد ونفس الداتا واحنا المستقبليين
الى بيتحمل فى مصر هو الى بيتحمل فى الهونولولو


ستار جديد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
في البداية كل الشكر لجميع المساهمين في المتابعة للجروب الروسي

ولكن السؤال هل سيتم تحميل لعبه [+] [!] [@] LA Noire: The Complete Edition ) مرة ثانية ؟


كبار الشخصيات
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
في البداية كل الشكر لجميع المساهمين في المتابعة للجروب الروسي

ولكن السؤال هل سيتم تحميل لعبه [+] [!] [@] LA Noire: The Complete Edition ) مرة ثانية ؟

عفوا اخى الخطاء من عندى لا لم تحمل انا اضفتها خطأ
اعتذر عن الخطاء مره اخرى اخوانى


ستار جديد
السلام عليكم

ممكن باسوورد هذا الملف والملف محمل من يوم 11/11/2011



كبار الشخصيات
السلام عليكم

ممكن باسوورد هذا الملف والملف محمل من يوم 11/11/2011


الباسورد سيظهر بعد 9 ايام اخى
Assassin's Creed.Otkroveniya \ Assassin's Creed Revelations (PC/2011/ENG/RUS/POL/RiP from Fenixx) [Left: 9 days. ]


ستار جديد
الباسورد سيظهر بعد 9 ايام اخى
Assassin's Creed.Otkroveniya \ Assassin's Creed Revelations (PC/2011/ENG/RUS/POL/RiP from Fenixx) [Left: 9 days. ]

شكرا اخي لكن انا رايد باسوورد نسخة الاكس بوك 360 مش الــــ PC

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.