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كبار الشخصيات
ياأخي حبيت هالجروب
يلا قائمة اليوم 28-5-2011
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings


As told by the manufacturers, The Witcher 2 of adult fiction and fascinating uses the new standards for non-linear narrative and realistic story will define. Geralt of Rivia continuing adventures of The Witcher associated with the events will be more attractive, while, more epic and full of surprise will be.
After helping to stop the rebel Order of Flaming Rose was launched to save the king Geralt, Foltest one of the main actors in the field of political hubbub became Temeria territory. Geralt when orders for peace in the land of King Temeria, to protect his life continued. Order the surrender last stronghold was the Royal Army. remain suppressed Last Mission La Valette Baroness Castle was the kingdom of separation was announced. a month of trying to assassinate the king passed his army to the gates Baroness Castle of La Valette got to be ready for the final battle. At the same time, Geralt before Foltest could not take over the investigation of his personal effort to understand the origin and identity of the mysterious terrorist witcher style is also responsible for the assassination King John was to start. research that many questions will be answered.
Bazybaz controls are available to Geralt; Hyvlaksh professional help to break the insurgency and the Order of Flaming Rose save the king from a terrorist witcher style is also involved in the political hubbub is Temeria. In the second part of this series, Geralt continues at the center of political events remain. He begins to research the identity of the terrorist group responsible for the northern territories are in terror Hakmyn take after, their relationship with the witcher discover and be aware of their motives. investigation, he Pontar the river in the border region between the inflamed Kaedwen, Temeria and draws Aedrin where he caught the most powerful forces battle between the world of The Witcher to be. In this way, with two negative character Geralt Kingslayer the game and be familiar Lorveth. two personality Like the Professor and Azar Javed in the first game are the enemies of Geralt.

Source Description: Gulf forum

Images of game environments:

System requirements:

Processor: Intel Core two Duo 2.5 GHz 02/02 GHz or equivalent AMD
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce the 8,800th, 512 MB ​​memory or ATI Hd3850 five hundred and twelve MB
Memory: a GB for Windows XP / 2 GB for Windows Vista and Windows the 7th
Hard Disk: 8 GB for the game installation and bonus materials for the 8th GB

Recommended System:

Processor: Intel Quad Core or AMD equivalent
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 260th, the first memory GB / Radeon HD 4850th with 1 GB memory
Memory: 3 GB for Windows XP / Windows Vista fourth GB for Windows and the 7th
Hard Disk: At least 16th GB of free space
The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings - Repack by: Black_Box - Cracked by: SKIDROW - Size: 6.33 GB - Type: FULL GAME - Size after: 13.3 GB - Year: 2011 - Extension: ISO Repack Features - Cut all other language than English - No thing Ripped - Game Patched with Patcher_EFIGS.exe - Added SKIDROW Crack - Registry for 32 & 64 bit - Need at least 2 GB Ram to Decompress - Need at least 13.3 GB free space to Decompress - Our Exclusive Installer - Include (Visual Basic & DirectX) - Start the game from desktop How to install - Unrar - Mount or Burn - Run Installer - Enjoy

6 GB of compressed version of the game has been released by the Department of BlackBox. This version has all the videos and games is Dmvhay and just play all the languages ​​other than English that has been removed. Dmvhay games are not reducing the quality of play and nothing has been removed. Also install the game, automatically and only note that during installation, your antivirus is disabled and not connected to the Internet.

Description installing the game: First, be sure to disable your antivirus to make deleted files crack by your antivirus to prevent. Extract then pay. Note that you must disconnect from the Internet. After installation, run the game automatically and tells you to activate the serial enter. Please cancel it, the executable file Patcher_EFIGS.exe SKIDROW folder to run the Run As Administrator. After this, all files in the installation folder in SKIDROW games copy and replace.


كبار الشخصيات
أخي sawmar قمت بالتحميل من هذا الغروب ولكن عندما أريد فتح أغلب الملفات المضغوطة تظهر رسالة بأن الأرشيف غير موجود
وشيء أخر فقد تفاجأت بأن البارتات ناقصة فمثلا يكون الفيلم 6 أجزاء ويكون نازل عندي خمس أجزاء (البارت الثاني أو الثالث مثلا غير موجود )
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