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Winzip Pro 11.0 Beta 7291

al za3eem

ستار جديد

WinZip, the original and most popular compression utility for Windows, is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that quickly zips and unzips your files to conserve disk space and greatly reduce e-mail transmission time. WinZip is available as Standard or Pro.

The new WinZip offers powerful new compression technology that creates even smaller Zip files. And the new Explorer-style view makes working with complex, multi-folder Zip files a snap.

WinZip Pro includes the WinZip Job Wizard, a powerful tool that offers predefined data backup jobs, the ability to customize and schedule zipping tasks, and FTP-upload functionality. And with WinZip Pro, you can zip and burn directly on CDs/DVDs!

WinZip 11.0 Beta October 19, 2006

Allow WinZip to Select "Best Compression" Automatically
Make the most of the improved compression methods by letting WinZip decide for you which method to use.
Zip .wav Music Files
A special algorithm will compress .wav files smaller than ever.
.BZ2 and .RAR File Support
(Extract Only)
Open .BZ2 and .RAR files.
Configure the Job Wizard to Email Reports and Zip Files Automatically
(Pro only)
Now the Job Wizard can send you an email to confirm whether a scheduled job completed successfully or alert you of problems. You can also configure the Job Wizard to email the resulting Zip file and/or the Job's log file.
View Thumbnails within WinZip
If you have any images in a Zip file you can now browse through them viewing the thumbnails without first extracting the images from the Zip file. This makes it a lot easier and quicker to work with images in Zip files.
View Full-size Images with WinZip's New Image Viewer (Pro Only)
If you need a closer look, sometimes a thumbnail just won't do. Now you can view images without manually extracting the image from the Zip file.

7.5 MB

