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Windows Xp Sp2 9in1


كبار الشخصيات
حمل أسطوانة رائعة تحتوي علي 9 نسخ ويندوز أكس بي

This CD contains 9 versions of Windows XP with Service Pack 2 integrated, straight from Microsoft:-
Windows XP Home OEM with Service Pack 2
Windows XP Home Retail with Service Pack 2
Windows XP Home Upgrade with Service Pack 2
Windows XP Media Center 2005 with Service Pack 2
Windows XP Pro Corp with Service Pack 2
Windows XP Pro OEM with Service Pack 2
Windows XP Pro Retail with Service Pack 2
Windows XP Pro Upgrade with Service Pack 2

Insert CD and install your favorite flavor of Windows XP or boot from
CD and install.

Uxtheme.dl_ was patched, so non-standard themes can be used. An untouched uxtheme.dl_ is located in the TOOLS directory if it is wanted. This release is ISO because of the special filesystem required. ISO s can be made of any of the versions of windows on the CD. There is a special version of Windows XP Media Center 2005, an Integrated ISO which can be created. This integrated ISO s has both CD s of Media Center in one for easier installation.


Cd Keys:
Windows XP Home OEM: JQ4T4-8VM63-6WFBK-KTT29-V8966
Windows XP Home Retail: RH6M6-7PPK4-YR86H-YFFFX-PW8M8
Windows XP Home Upgrade: RH6M6-7PPK4-YR86H-YFFFX-PW8M8
Windows XP Media Center 2005: C4BH3-P4J7W-9MT6X-PGKC8-J4JTM
Windows XP Professional Corp: XP8BF-F8HPF-PY6BX-K24PJ-TWT6M
Windows XP Professional OEM: XJM6Q-BQ8HW-T6DFB-Y934T-YD4YT
Windows XP Professional Retail: CD87T-HFP4C-V7X7H-8VY68-W7D7M
Windows XP Professional Upgrade: CD87T-HFP4C-V7X7H-8VY68-W7D7M


كبار الشخصيات
Microsoft Windows XP With Service Pack 2

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) provides new proactive security technologies for Windows XP to better defend against viruses, worms, and add-oners. In addition to a more robust security infrastructure, SP2 improves the security configuration options of Windows XP and provides better security information to help users faced with security decisions.
