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Windows Key Enterprise v7.9.2141


ستار جديد
Windows Key Enterprise v7.9.2141​

Windows Key Enterprise v7.9.2141


Windows Key is a program to reset Windows 2003 / XP / 2000 / NT security if Administrator password, secure boot password or key disk is lost.

* 100% recovery rate
* Resets passwords directly from a bootable USB Drive, no floppy or CD-ROM drive required New!
* Resets password for any account New!
* Resets local policy settings for any account New!
* Displays the detailed information about local user accounts New!
* Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is supported New!
* Windows Server 2003 is supported
* Windows Server 2003 R2 is supported New!
* Windows XP Home and Professional Editions are supported
* Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server are supported
* Windows NT Workstation and Server 4.0 are supported
* Resets Domain Administrator password for Active Directory Domain Controllers (Enterprise Edition only)
* All secure boot options are supported
* All Service Packs are supported



ستار جديد
شكرا للأخ ميرنيوم على تعديل المشاركة بتاعتى والله قعدت كتير أحاول أعدلها و معرفتش برضه


كبار الشخصيات
التعديل لازم تقوم بيه قبل ما تمر 15 دقيقة ... لو فاتت المدة دي مش حتلحق تعدل حاجة

بالتوفيق اخي مدحت