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اخوانى جايب لكم عيديه فى كل عيد انشاء الله عيديه ويندوز7 بلد ماقبل الاخيره عرضت فى المعرض الصينى فى6ديسمبر2008 بقرص وهمى وسربوها الصينين والان منتشره على مواقع التورنت وقد اضافها احد الاخوان طبعا السبق له بس للاسف تورنت لكن انا تورنت وموقعين ftp اعتقد مكانها هنا فى موقع البرامج العام وليس فى مواقع التورنت وانشاء الله اذا توفرت روابط سوف اضعها والان مع نبذه باللغه الانجليزيه وروابط التحميل
the impossible has been done again and pirates all over the world are busy trying to obtain the more updated build of windows 7- build 6956. Just a day after winhec china began, an attendee from the conference managed to slip a virtual hard disk (vhd) image of windows 7 build 6956 onto a portable device and upload it via torrent to the world. You’d think that microsoft would have some sort of security enforced to keep this from happening after how hard they’ve been trying to prevent any leaks. The uploader from the pcbeta forum uses the alias edward_han, and is seen by the chinese windows community as a hero. The community has been referring to him as edward_han the hero, and even master edward_han. The entire vhd image was actually supposed to be uploaded yesterday, but ed’s computer shut off mysteriously, so the pirating had to be delayed for a day. As of now, there’s heated discussion on how to properly turn the vhd image into a fully functional install of windows 7 build 6959. A few have succeeded, but most people are having trouble and are awaiting for the chinese hackers and community to get an iso out. Word is starting to spread quickly in the english community in forums including our own, and many others. So far, from what we can tell, the following features are included in the build:
وهذى معلومات ايضا باللغه الانجليزيه
microsoft is present in china since yesterday for a conference dedicated to winhec asian countries. On this occasion, the publisher has once again presented windows 7, but later than that shown during the pdc in october.
versions or "builds" are numbered according to their compilation. Whenever developers carry out changes and to compile the code, the build number increases by 1. Thus, milling given to the participants of the pdc and the first was the build winhec 6801. This shows that the publisher now is build 6956, so much more advanced.
the presentation made by microsoft does not specifically identify new features, but some elements are confirmed, while others, more peripheral, are emerging.
microsoft provides between two new systems, the sequence of "boot" of windows 7 takes 6 seconds less than vista. This animation may be amended, the publisher making up to oems so they can integrate their own logo on their machines. It imagines that the result will be more or less happy according to the amendments.
the new windows 7 taskbar shown during the pdc is still there, although her features have changed slightly towards a more homogeneous. The jump lists, which allow access to documents for an application and certain features, are active and accessible by right-clicking on an icon in the toolbar. In the start menu, jump lists are also present in the form of small arrows to the right of each application.
there is also another screenshot that is showing a directx 11 booth.
so, here some of this features in this build.(leaked!)
والان مع الصور
صوره لعملية فك الضغط عن الملفات
وهذى صورة الاسطوانه وتحنها الملفات
وهذى صورة برنامج التراايزو وحجم النسخه وقابله للاقلاع
صورة التحميل للاربع الملفات اف تى بى وهى تعمل
وهذى صور من جهازى بعد التسطيب النسخه اسرع بكثير ولاتاخذشئ من الرام
وهذه صور لتسطيب النسخه
وهذى صور من بعض المنتديات الاوربيه للنسخه