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أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

Where to find twinhan on Internet


ستار جديد
Please help.

I have searched a lot to twinhan. all what i foudn is www.twinhan.com but i could no where find 1025 or other releases.

Please give me links to twinhan cards.

Also i have heard that th red twinhan is chinese but teh site is not saying that.

I am getting confused , cananyone help me please.




ستار جديد

Then Choose Your Country

Here In This Link Click Here


ستار جديد
The link akhi is for the german twinhan and people here are talking about teh chinese one.
And teh screenshots where visiondtv twinhan and not twinhandtv. Also the system requirements of the the cards on the link are very different than teh ones seen here on the forum.

Still on the site there is no mentioning of 1025 or other release numbers.

It''s really very rare , i have read a lot on teh forum but no one give a hint about where to find it, at least for aomeone in the europ (my case in the nethderlands).

Please more help.

التعديل الأخير:


ستار جديد
Many thanx for the reaction.

I live in the netherlands , Holland, Holanda.

By the way sky star is available and thought twinhan will be the same but it''s not.

Hope you will help me



DVB Master

كبار الشخصيات
dear... , 1st of all i want to declare that we r not interested in DVB sat cards marketing , we just concern about giving support to whose have these cards . The easy way to find what u want on the internet is to use froogle.com ,also take a look at DVBshop.com ,& happysat.org .


ستار جديد
hahahaaaaaaaaaa , ya akhi where is the marketing.

Anyway happy to hear such beautiful reaction from an operator.

No akhi wellahi i have read the post of akhi moe3min and wanted to see where to get it, the shock was i could find nothing. That was very rare providing that skystar is very obvious and available.

I could nto undestand it and i could do nothing than ask from people who have purshed it and used it.

Many thanx



كبار الشخصيات
zouzou.rocket قال:

اهلا اخي zouzou.rocket لمادا لا تطلب من أحد الاصدقاء او الاقارب ان يرسل لك هده الكارت من المغرب مثلا
وأعتقد ان نسخة تايوان هي الافضل على حسب ما يقوله الاخوة

و لا داعي انك تضحك :D :D علي لاني خطير في الانجليزية :p :p


ستار جديد
totoman01 قال:

اهلا اخي zouzou.rocket لمادا لا تطلب من أحد الاصدقاء او الاقارب ان يرسل لك هده الكارت من المغرب مثلا
وأعتقد ان نسخة تايوان هي الافضل على حسب ما يقوله الاخوة

و لا داعي انك تضحك :D :D علي لاني خطير في الانجليزية :p :p

Hayya laaaaaaaaaaaah akhi toto-man wellahi happy to see you in my topic.

.Ya sidi wellahi enta seed el engilees kollohom. We english betaa-ak ala rasi we net-allam mennak.

Wellahi a very good proposal i will manage it my self from marokko. But in this case how to know the good one , because if its from Taiwan then it will be an imitation. Is there a way to decide about the good Taiwan twinhan releases from the bad ones.

Many thanx we jazaaak allaho anna khayran.



ستار جديد
DVB Master قال:
so don't blame us for not putting any link for twinhan sellers

:confused: :cool::D

La wellahi akhi, this is not case of marketing or not and that is why i was laughing because there was and there is no marketing in posting links.

Talking about teh cards in a positif way or the contrary is the marketing and is something accepted on teh forum and one of it''s servers. Then teh question why you do not give people links of as many as possible purchase points. not for buying wellahi when i was asking i wanted just to know why everyone is saying something else. The one is talking about twinhan on some aeamerican or german site, others are talking about it as chinese product and when i try to seek it i find very limited resources, with most of the available twinhan is from the twinhan itself and not the vision plus that uses teh twinhan chipset, so i was confused and wanted to hear it from as much as possible people.

That''s all what was it.

Thanx, and i hope that all people will share their links and resources, lita0mma eal faaidah.


إبن سينا

ستار جديد
Al salamu 3alaykom zouzou.rocket
i do have this card

and it seems like it's really from taiwan
we did have the same model in the egyptian markets few months ago but that was the just an imitation
if u 've seen the two u'd propably know what i'm talking about
"the imitaion is only few steps away from saying "hey .. i'm a forged card
u know the looks of the card is different and the metal part labled LNB in & LNB out seems like it was handly crafted!!! also the outer pack says taiwan and the card says china!!or vise versa i don't recall
while the taiwan one is a decent card
says taiwan in & out with one chip made in japan
i'm not an expert ... maybe i'm wrong but that was my personal experience
التعديل الأخير:


ستار جديد
إبن سينا قال:
Al salamu 3alaykom zouzou.rocket
i do have this card

and it seems like it's really from taiwan
we did have the same model in the egyptian markets few months ago but that was the just an imitation
if u 've seen the two u'd propably know what i'm talking about
"the imitaion is only few steps away from saying "hey .. i'm a forged card
u know the looks of the card is different and the metal part labled LNB in & LNB out seems like it was handly crafted!!! also the outer pack says taiwan and the card says china!!or vise versa i don't recall
while the taiwan one is a decent card
says taiwan in & out with one chip made in japan
i'm not an expert ... maybe i'm wrong but that was my personal experience

Hayya laah ibn sina.

I have to say your solution was the most useful for me.

It very very very iseful and beautifully detailed.

In your opinion, is the imitation workingjust the way it has and what is the price in egypt. I hope you can convert it in dollars to have an idea.

Ya sidi also i want o say moubaarak for me and you and all arabs, for the egyption qualification in the african cup.

Wellahi i am moroccain, and i wanted egypt to get further than morocco because i knew it will perfomr much better, and i am very jappy it happed and i hope they can get the cup, and they can as easy as i am saying it.
