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VLC Media Player 1.1.1 | 18.57MB | 2010-07-22


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VLC Media Player 1.1.1 | 18.57MB |2010-07-22

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VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols without external codec or program.

It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network.

VLC can play:

* MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 / DivX files from a hard disk, a CD-ROM drive, and so on
* DVDs, VCDs, and Audio CDs
* From satellite cards (DVB-S)
* Several types of network streams: UDP/RTP Unicast, UDP/RTP Multicast, HTTP, RTSP, MMS, etc.
* From acquisition or encoding cards (on GNU/Linux and Windows only)

What's In this version:

# Decoders/Demuxers:
* Fix performance issues with GPU decoding using DxVA2 using ATI graphic cards You NEED ATI Catalyst 10.7
* Fix :program selection in TS and DVB-T
* Fixes and improvements for MKV, Avformat and Avcodec modules
* Fix mod (.xm, .s3m, .it) files support on Windows and Mac builds

* New capabilities for libVLC:
- Adjust video filter control: libvlc_adjust_Enable, libvlc_adjust_Contrast, libvlc_adjust_Brightness, libvlc_adjust_Hue,libvlc_adjust_Saturation, libvlc_adjust_Gamma
- libvlc_media_player_set_pause() can force the pause state, whereas libvlc_media_player_pause() would only toggle it.
- libvlc_set_user_agent() configures the "user agent" strings used for some protocols (HTTP, PulseAudio...). This replaces the --http-user-agent and the former --user-agent libvlc_new() parameters.
- libvlc_video_set_callbacks() and libvlc_video_set_format() allow grabbing video frames from a chosen memory location in real-time. This replace the ugly --vmem-* libvlc_new() parameters in previous versions. See http://wiki.videolan.org/LibVLC_SampleCode_SDL as an example.
- libvlc_audio_get_delay() and libvlc_audio_set_delay() configure the delay between audio and video/subpictures for the current input.
* Various fixes and crash preventions, especially when video functions were called early

# Stream output:
* Fix h264 streaming in ts

# Interfaces:
* Qt: fix preferences, hotkeys, messages and some fulscreen behaviour
* Skins: support for mousewheel in fullscreen, fix radialsliders
* Http: fix fullscreen toggle

# Linux:
* Qt: fix preferences, hotkeys, messages and some fulscreen behaviour
* Fix pulse closing
* VAAPI small improvements, notably for extraction mode selection[/COLOR][/B]

# MacOS:
* Qt: fix preferences, hotkeys, messages and some fulscreen behaviour
* Multiple interface and crash fixes
* Deinterlace selection is repaired
* Crashes when playing multi-channel tracks fixes

# Windows:
* Qt: fix preferences, hotkeys, messages and some fulscreen behaviour
* Activation of DEP on XP SP3
* Fix opening of .m3u and .pls playlists
* Fix crash when My Document isn't available
* Fix crash when Windows was getting into standby while playing video

# Translations:
* Qt: fix preferences, hotkeys, messages and some fulscreen behaviour
* Update translations for Spanish, Polish, German, Sinhala, Hungarian, Khmer, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Hebrew, Slovak, Galician

Title: VLC Media Player 1.1.1
Filename: vlc-1.1.1-win32.exe
File size: 18.57MB
Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
Languages: en-US, es-ES, ja-JP, pl-PL...
License: Open Source
Date added: July 22, 2010
Author: VideoLAN.org


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