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Vista sidebar for Windows XP


مشرف سابق
Vista sidebar for XP


وهذه صورة من جهازي


New in Vista Sidebar V 2.2
Vista Sidebar 2.2 is completely rewritten and is much more stable as its previous versions.The Vista Sidebar saves gadgets settings at start-up so they won't reset to default settings but now everything is stored in the registry. The Sidebar has more skins, including longhorn skins and skins of the windows sidebar in early stages. there are more clocks, and other gadgets. The Sidebar also has docking so it's easier to organize all gadgets now.

New Vista Sidebar Feature's

* Context menu's for every gadget
* Sidebar works on any reselution
* Gadget AutoSave v2.0
* RSS Gadget v 2.3
* Torrent search Gadget v2.1
* Internet search Gadget v 2.3
* Mail Gadget v 1.1
* Calculator Gadget v 1.1
* System Uptime Gadget v 2.1
* Media Player Gadget v 2.1
* Clock Gadget v 2.2
* More clock adjustable skins
* Recycle bin Gadget v 2.1
* Picture slider Gadget v 2.2
* Sticky Gadget v 1.3
* Run Gadget 1.1
* Help and Suport Links Added
* Harddisk Status reader Gadget 2.2
* CPU and RAM reader Gadget 2.2
* Internet Traffic Gadget v 2.1
* Calender Gadget v 2.2
* Weather Gadget v 2.1
* And Countless of Bug Fixes
* Better Performance and Reliability





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