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Vista Codec Package 4.5.0 لشباب الفيستا حزمة كوديك رائعة بملحقاتها مع ادوات رائعة


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحمن الرحيم



Many user suggested default settings are implemented. Vista Codec Package does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter.

Codecs have always been a pain in the butt. Vista Codec Package takes from the best, all the big name creators, several small guys too. Then I track down the latest updates and test their functionality. Next I compile all this into a single pack. All possible conflicts are already dealt with. Many user suggested default settings are implemented.

Vista Codec Package does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With 0this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips such as quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc. Streaming video is supported in most web browsers. By default you shouldn't need to make any adjustments to enjoy your media content immediately.

Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable and after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and perform upgrade installations.

Changes in Vista Codec Package 4.5.0 final :

- add setup shortcut for newly created accounts
- update ffdshow components to 1465
- ffdshow multi-threaded decoding
- add support for HD Quicktime trailers
- improve .ts playback
- update several default codecs

الفلاتر والكوديك في الحزمة ومعلومات كاملة عنها حمل الملف المرفق

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حزمة اخرى تضاف للاولى في حالة وجود x64
VistaCodecs x64Components 1.3.0
vistaCodecs x64Components description
Do you want to watch your favorite video in MediaCenter? These components have been tested on Vista Ultimate x64 Edition
Do you want to watch your favorite video in MediaCenter? These components have been tested on Vista Ultimate x64 Edition.

2 versions of Windows Media Player exist in x64 Vista. There is a 32bit version in %ProgramFiles(x86)% and a 64bit version in %ProgramFiles%

Vista Ultimate x64 uses the 32bit player as the system default. The installed components of this release include icons to allow you to change the system's default player between the 32bit and 64bit Windows Media Player.

Observation to be noted
One other aspect of Vista x64 Windows Media Player(s) needs to be mentioned.
If you associate a particular filetype to open with WMP while the system default is set to use the 64bit player, that filetype will always open the 64bit player when doubleclicked. This occurs even if you change the system default back to using the 32bit player. (and vice-versa)

The 32bit player has better codec support at this time provided by the Vista Codec Package.

On my system, I set the 64bit Player as default and use Media Player Classic (MPC) for files the 64bit player's can't handle. Since MediaCenter uses Windows Media Players' playlist for its own library, I found this to be the best setup.

This release is a fully functional standalone installation which may be included in an unattended environment using the switch -ai and is 100% compatible with the 32bit codecs installed by the Vista Codec Package.

The x64Components package is a fully functional standalone installation that can be included in an unattended environment using the switch -ai.


What's New in This Release:

· Registry edits to keep up with VCP 4.5
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والان بعض ادوات الفلاتر والميديا والكوديك لويندوز فبستا

1- Media Player Classic vista edtion
This player will play DVD's in Vista with aero glass enabled. It will also display streaming RealMedia content once you associate the RAM file extension to it. I distribute MPC simply as a media player with all internal codecs turned off unlike other codecpack makers that distribute MPC with their package and have almost all internal codecs turned on to make up for their poorly functioning releases. This release also creates a shortcut in the QuickLaunch bar. From within this player you can set filetype associations to always open using MPC. Go into the player and click View from the menu's followed by Options... Next choose Formats - From this screen, you may set associations as you wish. This version disables Vista's screensaver and power off settings while watching a video. Also in this version, the internal AVI splitter is enabled to allow viewing of broken and incomplete AVI files

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2-Video Decoder Checkup Utility
The Video Decoder Checkup Utility will set the "MediaCenter Compatibility" flag of a codec to true when you use this tool to set a codec as the system default codec. Doing this will allow the tool in the post above to see a codec as Vista MediaCenter compatible when normally this isn't set by default.
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3-Vista MediaCenter MPEG2 decoder selection
This is specifically for Vista MediaCenter which will let you choose which MPEG2 Audio/Video decoders MediaCenter will use. This utility will show you the current default decoders in use and let you select alternatives to use from a list of installed codecs on your system.

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  • معلومات.zip
    7.4 KB · المشاهدات: 60


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