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Virtual PC 2007 Release Candidate جديد وحصريا لتشغيل أكثر من ويندوز وكمان على الفيست


عضو سبام
Virtual PC 2007 Release Candidate جديد وحصريا لتشغيل أكثر من ويندوز وكمان على الفيستا

Virtual PC 2007 Release Candidate

المعجزه فى عمل أنظمه تخيليه
لعيون أعضاء starDVB


Virtual PC 2007 lets you run additional operating systems on Windows Vista, without using multiple computers. This allows you to proceed with your Windows Vista deployment, rather than delay because of application incompatibility. Your organization can take full advantage of the new features and capabilities in Windows Vista and still provide end users access to run their legacy mission-critical applications, allowing you to realize your return on investment faster than other short-term solutions.

Virtual PC 2007 Release Candidate (32-bit)

Virtual PC 2007 Release Candidate (64-bit)

Windows hotfix for computers that have AMD hardware-assisted virtualization support (AMD-V)

-This Windows hotfix address issues associated with installing Virtual PC 2007 Beta on a computer that has AMD hardware-assisted virtualization support (AMD-V) and uses an x64 version of Windows as the host operating system. This Windows hotfix is only necessary if you meet the criteria listed above. If required, you should install this Windows hotfix prior to installing Virtual PC 2007 Beta.

(This hotfix should not be used with Windows Vista)

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