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Sonic PDF Creator 1.2


ستار جديد

Create professional looking and secure PDF documents from hundreds of Windows applications. A simple to use interface with value added features you'll need, like batch conversion, watermarking, PDF merging and splitting & more

Key Benefits
- Easy Sharing
Want to share PDFs with your colleagues that are small in size and look great? If yes, you’ll be pleased to know that Sonic PDF has adopted the most advanced PDF compression available to ensure that the PDFs you create are small and compact. In particular, if you’ll be sharing the PDFs you create by e-mail, size matters. Sonic PDFs compression abilities are a must have.
- Be Sure Your PDF’s are Secure
Count on us for PDF security. Our unique “Create Secure PDF” toolbar feature gives you great comfort in knowing that when you want to create a secure PDF you actually will.
- Remember, not all PDFs are created the same. Simply creating a PDF does not mean it has been secured. To properly secure a PDF, it must be encrypted. By clicking the “Create Secure PDF” on the Sonic PDF toolbar, you can be sure that you are encrypting your PDF to make sure it is truly secure.
- Sonic PDF users can also set passwords to prevent unauthorized viewers from viewing the PDF. This will give you control over who can access the information contained on the PDF.
- Simple to Use
As a company, we strive to create products that are simple to use. Our Sonic PDF Creator is no different. You can Create PDF in two different ways, the way that is most comfortable for you: from the Print driver or from our​
unique User Interface.


Download : http://www.investintech.com/download/InstallSonicPDF.exe

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