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SoftMaker Office 2006 برنامج مشابه لمايكروسوفت أوفيس


المشرف العام
SoftMaker Office 2006



Name:Whi5tleR e Mail:FosiandWhi5tleR@home Serial:2XT6B-7XAX7-JE7X9-ABFFR-N3668

No matter whether you use your PC at work or at home, one thing is absolutely essential: An office suite that is full-featured, reliable, and compatible. An office suite like SoftMaker Office 2006. If you need to exchange Word or Excel documents with colleagues and business partners, you are no longer dependant on high-priced Microsoft Office: SoftMaker Office 2006 reads and writes all your Word and Excel files seamlessly.
SoftMaker Office 2006: the dependable, powerful, compatible office suite that comes at a price anybody can afford.
Everything speaks for SoftMaker Office 2006:
Powerful: Professional office software for beginning and professional users.
Compatible: Reads and writes all Microsoft Word and Excel files seamlessly.
Fast: Starts and works blazingly fast. Slow is out.
Reliable: Does what you want. No nasty surprises.
Compatible. Microsoft Office, OpenDocument, and many more[/CENTER]


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