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SoftCamEditor v7.0.4 build 1364 (beta test)


كبار الشخصيات
version 7.0.4 build 1364 beta (18.11.2007)
Homepage: SoftCamEditor

"SoftCamEditor" is the best editor of keyfiles for emulators of television crypt systems.

The interface of the program is comfortable and simple and allows editing quickly the list of keys by means of mouse, practically not using the keyboard.
The file of keys is displayed in the form of a tree, as well as in Windows explorer that simplifies navigation in its contents.
Program also support a definition of a key record by user.

The built-in browser allows looking through the pages of the Internet which contain the information on recent keys.
You can simplify and accelerate considerably process of editing owing to use in the program of "Drag and Drop" operation. Just select in the browser window a necessary key and drag it in editing field.

"SoftCamEditor " allows to edit a keys file in the usual text editor, keeps addresses of the visited Internet pages, and also has many other adjustments and opportunities.

New in version
Support of file extensions .KEY and .DB (vPlug).
.KEY to .DB and .DB to .KEY converter.
The user definition of a key record.
And many other things.

"SoftCamEditor" is a freeware program. You can use it free of charge unlimited period of time.