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Skype | 2010.04.28


كبار الشخصيات
Skype | 28-04-2010 | 21.88MB

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What's In this version:

* Audio
- Deactivated the keyboard tapping removal feature during conference calls because of complaints from blind people and gamers.

* Calling
- Improved call stability between two Skype 4.2 for Windows users.
- Fixed issue causing consecutive call drops right after call start.

* Call Quality Indicator
- The preferred microphone settings were not saved when the device was set from the Call Quality Indicator device selection list.

* General
- In some languages Skype showed an error message "unterminated tag" which prevented users from logging into Skype.

* IM
- The IM notification icon was not correctly displayed during a full screen video call.

* Screen sharing
- Screen sharing from Skype 4.2 to Skype 4.0 or lower did not show video to the receiver if their computer had Pentium 4 or Pentium 3 processor.

* Video
- The High Quality Video logo sometimes flashed during a video call.
- Outgoing video froze when Skype raised the outgoing video quality.
- When on a video call to an Asus Videophone users, the local video preview sometimes froze and the other side saw a green still image after some time into call.

* Voicemail
- In rare cases it was not possible to listen to old Voicemails which were received through Online Number.

System requirements:

- PC sous Windows® (2000, XP, Vista, win7). Les utilisateurs de Windows 2000 doivent installer DirectX 9.0 pour les appels vidéo.
- Connexion Internet, haut débit de préférence (le GPRS n'est pas compatible avec les appels vocaux).
- Des haut-parleurs et un micro, intégrés ou autonomes.
- Pour passer des appels vocaux et vidéo, nous recommandons un ordinateur équipé d'un processeur 1 GHz minimum, de 256 Mo de RAM et bien entendu d'une webcam.
- Pour les appels vidéo haute qualité, vous avez besoin d'une webcam et d'un logiciel vidéo haute qualité, d'un ordinateur double cœur et d'une connexion haut débit (384 Kb/s).

Technical details:

Title: Skype
Filename: SkypeSetupFull.exe
File size: 21.88MB
Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
Languages: en-US, es-ES, ja-JP, pl-PL
License: Freeware
Date added: April 28, 2010
Author: Skype Technologies


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