ستار جديد
SendLink 1.8

الحجم:372 كيلوبايت
البرنامج اكثر من رائع حتى تتشارك بملف معين او مجلد مع شخص اخر على الانترنت وبكل امن وسهولة حيث يستعمل البرنامج الايبي لجهازك لتحديد مكانه بالنسبة للطرف الاخر ويكون رابط المجلد المعطي مشفرا فقط لذلك الشخص
SendLink allows you to share your files and folders
directly through the Internet. You do this by emailing
links to the people who you want to share with. A file or
folder shared with SendLink never goes through the email
system, only the tiny link which points to the file or
folder on your computer. To get the file or folder you are
sharing, the remote user simply clicks on the link in the
email message.
To enhance the privacy of your files, each link is encoded
so that only someone who has a link sent by you is able to
retrieve the associated file or folder from your computer.
And you can create multiple links to the same file or
folder, giving you total control over who can download your
files. Once you delete a link, even those who have received
links from you cannot retrieve the file. But other links to
the same file will continue to work just fine.
التعديل الأخير: