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Registry Fast 2.0


كبار الشخصيات
السلام عليكم

Registry Fast 2.0
برنامج رائع لتسريع الجهاز وتنظيفه من الملفات الغير ضرورية ....


The Windows registry is a vital part of Windows system which records the configuration of system. While install and uninstall software, the Windows registry will store corresponding information, which will cause the registry size larger and decay the performance of system. The registry size keeps growing as you use Windows. When the time you used Windows system is long enough, the registry will contain too many redundent items that would lead to unstable performance, curious system errors, or even system crack down.

Some computer users have no idea to fix these cases, and what they do are just re-installing system again and again. This indeed waste lots of time. With the professional registry-fix application, Registry Fast, all these problems could be solved within seconds! Owing the revolutionary scan engine, Registry Fast is designed to be a useful tool that will help you quickly clean&fix redundent references, damaged keys and .dll entries in registry by simple clicks, making PC run smoothly like a new one

