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ستار دي في بي | StarDVB

أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

Opera 10.52 build 3333 بتاريخ 25/3/2010

دكتور أهلاوي

ستار جديد

In this build, there is a possible fix for some network problems when using proxies. The same fix might improve on the "Waiting for DNS confirmation of cookie domain(s)" message some people are seeing (try clearing cookies if the problem persists). There is also an attempt at fixing a problem where a corrupted cache would cause problems when viewing e-mails and opening attachments, and a few site compatibility fixes as well.

Known issues

Unite is not working (404 error)​

التعديل الأخير:


ستار جديد
ألف شكر لك عزيزي ويسلموا إيديك على النسخة الجديدة thumb:

بارك الله فيك

وهنا نسخة جديدة بتاريخ 2010/3/27

Opera 10.52 build 3337

الجديد في هذة النسخة


Fixed DSK-290757 (Password doesn't get remembered) 
Made the download dialog tab-modal and overlayed

Fixed CORE-14632 (Support 'binary download' of 'text/plain;charset=x-user-defined' resource with XmlHttpRequest) 
Fixed CORE-28120 (xhr.overrideMimeType() called before xhr.open throws) 
Fixed CORE-28527 (Better cache for redirects)

Fixed DSK-283478 (Crash when starting a special build that includes widgets) 
Fixed DSK-278149 (Crash when launching widget) 
Fixed DSK-287273 (Crash on RMB click in Connect to Remote Debugger dialog) 
Fixed DSK-284947 (Widget installation detection is subpar) 
Fixed DSK-284905 (Installed widget gets maximised on hovering over the taskbar) 
Fixed DSK-285623 (Unite music player & Ebook reader widgets always captures focus) 
Fixed DSK-287988 (File I/O in widgets is broken) 
Fixed DSK-275480 (simaquarium widget does not display aquarium's animated content) 
Fixed DSK-259451 (There is no question about creating folders if installation path is simply typed) 
Fixed DSK-282026 (Widget 'Torus' does not work) 
Fixed DSK-283220 (changing from always on top/below to normal mode doesn't show widget on task bar again) 
Fixed DSK-276971 (CLONE -Widget preferences not upgraded) 
Fixed DSK-286033 (Widgets with sufficiently long non-ASCII names do not always appear as installed) 
Fixed DSK-286039 (Widget in application mode position stored incorrectly after restart) 
Fixed DSK-287641 (eBook reader does not display icon on taskbar) 
Fixed DSK-284758 (Spellcheck do not fix words in widgets) 
Fixed DSK-283767 (Connect to Remote Debugger - clipped string EN) 
Fixed DSK-283507 (About This widget has clipstring while hovering (PL)) 
Fixed DSK-283432 (Number is not displayed on initial installer screen if installing another instance of same widget) 
Fixed DSK-287440 (number is not added to widget name if customizing its name and <widgetname> is longer than 87 bytes) 
Fixed DSK-290503 (Widget with : and / in its name is not installed) 
Fixed DSK-284637 (String size calculation susceptible to overflow in OpSafeRegQueryValue()) 
Fixed DSK-272641 ("Widget Remote Debugging" window name is clipped.)

Fixed DSK-283461 (Authentication dialogs buttons are the wrong way around) 
Fixed DSK-290357 (CJK displayed as squares) 
Fixed DSK-287881 (Opera uses 100% CPU with very very long URLs) 
Fixed DSK-281691 (Doesn't remember window position when exiting fullscreen) 
Fixed DSK-289617 (Does not restart after submitting crashlogs) 
Fixed DSK-251746 (Aborting print from VG.no crashes Opera) 
Font drawing improvements

Fixed CORE-28797 (Fonts are always 'light', 'italicized', 'condensed', etc) 
Fixed DSK-274848 (Window repainted incorrect when minimized and restored) 
Fixed DSK-275086 (Menu font color problem) 
Fixed DSK-282115 (Crash in libX11 when opening or closing dialogs with Unite enabled) 
Fixed DSK-283461 (Authentication dialogs buttons are the wrong way around for Gnome) 
Fixed DSK-287356 (Default font size is far too small) 
Fixed DSK-288654 (File chooser dialog isn't modal) 
Fixed DSK-275089 (GTK styled scrollbars to narrow) 
Fixed DSK-287312 (save dialog on linux is broken - no file name) 
Fixed DSK-288202 (Crash in liboperagtk when canceling file chooser) 
Fixed DSK-289312 (Opera version on debian uses dash instead of dot in build denotation) 
Improved the looks with skins that use a dark toolbar[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


التعديل الأخير: