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ObjectDock v1.30 Plus + Extras -


ستار جديد

Default Stardock ObjectDock v1.30 Plus + Extras
Stardock ObjectDock v1.30 Plus + Extras
Click here to see a large version
Program Info:

ObjectDock is a program that lets you organize your short-cuts and running tasks onto an extremely customizable dock that sits on your desktop.
The ObjectDock Plus! Features:

- Put short-cuts on your dock
- Display running tasks on your dock
- Put docklets on your dock
- Icons zoom on mouse-over
- Change the appearance of the icons of running tasks and short-cuts
- Position dock on any edge of the screen
- Optionally represent running programs by snapshot of their window
- Optionally hide Windows taskbar
- Skinnable
- Optional rocking icons on mouse over
- Multiple Docks on screen at once
- Multi-Monitor Support
- Tabbed Docks
- System Tray support
- Task grouping
- Fly-Out Menus
- Hot-Spot activation

There are 2 different Icon Packs which are customizable with ObjectDock, so enjoy! Smile

Added a keygen, but remember to change the version number from 120 to 130. If that doesnt work, use the working license key included in the txt file.


ObjectDock v1.30 Plus + Keygen + Working License Key


Icon Pack 1

Icon Pack 2
