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Microsoft Student 2006 DVDRip


ستار جديد

Tutorial content from leading publishers provide students with guidance on writing reports, building presentations, or creating the right visuals on a project.
Provides tools, templates, and tuturials for the application student use most like Microsoft Office to help students create high quality reports and presentations.
Full featured graphing scientific calculator helps students visualize and solve math and science problems.
Step by step tutorials help students solve math questions representing specific problems taken directly from popular math textbooks used in schools.
Research topics with Microsoft Encarta Reference Premium, which includes a subscription to MSN Encarta Premium through October 2006.
Provides tools, templates, and tuturials for the application student use most like Microsoft Office to help students create high quality reports and presentations.
Full featured graphing scientific calculator helps students visualize and solve math and science problems.
Step by step tutorials help students solve math questions representing specific problems taken directly from popular math textbooks used in schools.
Research topics with Microsoft Encarta Reference Premium, which includes a subscription to MSN Encarta Premium through October 2006.
Tutorial content from leading publishers provide students with guidance on writing reports, building presentations, or creating the right visuals on a project​
