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Media On Demand Plugin v2.0


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Media On Demand Plugin v2.0

Media On Demand Plugin WebPage:

What is In this version:

Wow, i did not thought that the DVBViewer would be able to get support for shockwave flash files - especially since they are not really audio or video streams at all, but the latest beta seems to be able to play this kind of media format quite well. I started to update the internet stream plugin again, and it currently supports Hulu, CBS, IHeartmusic (again since they changed their service platform) streams etc...

I finally finished the new Media On Demand Plugin for the DVBViewer.The most exciting feature first: Hulu works fine inside the DVBViewer. The following services are supported: Noxon Radio, Shoutcast, HD Radio, Stream Audio, Beeline, Hulu, CBS, Comedy Central, Myspace TV, Online TV Library and VOD Source. I did not counted all the links, but i suppose it is definitively the largest and expandable collection available. The most services do not need a Proxy/VPN - even if the Digital Millenium Act throws big rocks between non American users :) I did not found another workaround for Hulu and CBS yet, but i'm still working on.

The plugin requires at least a DVBViewer Version > 3.9. For services like Hulu, CBS, Comedy Central you have to use the last Betaversion of the DVBViewer.

Some services might require a IP located in the united states. I was able to override this at least for HD Radio, but the geocheck from Hulu can not be tweaked that easily. If you live outside the United States you might try to connect via Proxy or VPN. [Pikachu]

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