اخواني الاعزاء هذه هي الترجمة الانكليزية لمميزات البلجن الالماني
What is that? With the help of this Plugins, a valid premiere Abo map, a DVB map for the PC, a so-called Smartmouse interface (6 MHz) (also "Cardreader" mentioned) and a software, which an Multidec Plugin interface, one can look at on the PC premiere World (condition alone system, NO Cardserver!) Of me successfully tested software: Multidec 8,2, 9,3 WatchTVPro 2,16, 2,26 (!) should run also with DVBCore etc.. Well that is particularly nevertheless now nothing... or? Now... look at simply times. Which goes: Complete emulation of a Cams including EMM command announcement of the map data Blockierungsmoeglichkeiten for EMM and ECM, separately -Man can look at and log data flow between map and Camsoftware. (for those, which want to learn which or simply only times to see to want, what runs off there) on-line bringing in separately from individual commands into the current data traffic (only for experts, ask) Logmoeglichkeit, from the Cam emulation installation: in the package are 2 files: JNPCam.dll the Plugin! JNPTpSidPmt.txt contains information over Zurordnung of the PMT Pid with Multidec: Both files in program-draw-eat from Multidec copy with Watchtvpro: The JNPCam.dll into the Plugin Verzeichniss copies the JNPTpSidPmt.txt in program-draw-eats copies!!!Ausserdem needs it a gepatchte Technotrend firmware ("CATT firmware"). Gibts e.g.. with Otherwise the Cam does not funzt!!! I do not use other DVB software, installation guidances am always welcome. Operation: DVB software start. Then (Plugins >)JNPCam >JNP PWCam select, JNPCam info. window come up. Comport select, on start click (map should already be in the card reader) to control rooms, until (right down) a hook appears ready with "Cam". (window can close) on a PW channel _ switch _! (once switch must still be, start come still) if it the channel subscribe have, must a picture come. With "data traffic" can you log map the data traffic observe (the expenditure into this window is written also into the file "Camtest.log". Everything else should be self-describing in the COMMAND Injector can their command stringers manually transfer (however should you know, what makes it there!) Stringers please without check sum indicate (one adds automatically) a logging: Logging pure positions select. Data enter/select, then logger start. Data are spent into the files D0-Strings.txt, D2-Strings.txt, D3-Strings.txt. The logger can work independently of the Cam. Further outputs of the Plugins: JNPCam.log:Logdatei, please with nose report send! Checktab.txt:kann to be ignored (falls with the next version raus) acquaintance of nose: This is a beta version! It can contain still some up to now undiscovered of nose. -Wenn it the data traffic between Cam and map observed, from time to time times on "list delete" click (for instance 1x/h), otherwise gibts evt. Problems after one while. ToDo (comes in the next publication IC versions) automatic actualization of the announcement of the map data many other ideas... Nose report, desires and thank saying ask in the JNP Board(.JNPInquiries in other boards are not answered by me. Thank saying on: our JNP team vlinders (basis SOURCE code) joshyfun (support PMT Parser) many other writers in div. Board greeting. Gusu Supermod OF JNP board version History: 2004-09-03 first Public beta V 0.9