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How to scan a DVBS2 transponder on DVBViewer


ستار جديد
I tried to scan a DVBS2 transponder on DVBViewer ,unfortunately it didn´t
work. On ProgDVB Pro and WatchtvPro Ex the scan worked fine.Can anyone show
me where the probleme is? Does DVBViewer support DVBS2? Thanks in advance

دكتور أهلاوي

ستار جديد
use these settings


دكتور أهلاوي

ستار جديد
I can enjoy DVB-S2 with DV and twinhan ad-sp400
You can try updating your program to the latest beta version to solve any incompatibility issues
التعديل الأخير:


ستار جديد
Thank you Dr. Ahlawi for your help but I already have the latest beta version DVBViewer BETA as I use the original version of DVBViewer not the cracked ones I followed the steps you explained on TransEdit_3_5_4 but I couldn´t solve the problem
I think the problem is with my card I use Hauppauge Wintv-HVR 4000 which is a Quad TV tune
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