ما الجديد
ستار دي في بي | StarDVB

أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

HD Pack 1.0


مشرف سابق
HD Pack 1.0

كل ما يلزم لتشغيل قنوات HD

You can watch HD-TV


[*]ArcSoft H.264 Decoder v2.21.31.21
[*]CyberLink H.264 Decoder v2.1.0.1310
[*]Elecard/MC/Sonic H.264 Decoder v3.0.7299
[*]InterVideo Mpeg/AC3 Decoder v8.0.6.109
[*]AC3 Filter 1.46
[*]Moonlight H.264/Mpeg2 Demux 3.1.200
[*] Required files (GRF, reg...)[/LIST]
CoreAVC H264 Decoder not including in the package





كبار الشخصيات
HD Pack 1.0 Full

شكرا اخى thumb:mem3m

+ بعض من التوضيح
keygen من اجل تفعيل Elecard AVC PlugIn for MPEG Player

HD Pack 1.0 Full


Pack's including :
* ArcSoft H.264 Decoder v2.21.31.21
* CyberLink H.264 Decoder v2.1.0.1310
* Elecard/MC/Sonic H.264 Decoder v3.0.7299
* InterVideo Mpeg/AC3 Decoder v8.0.6.109
* AC3 Filter 1.46
* Moonlight H.264/Mpeg2 Demux 3.1.200
* Required files (GRF, reg...)

*CoreAVC H264 Decoder not including in the package ! (Trial versions is not available :( )
You can watch HD-TV on : / HD-TV leri sunlarda izleyebilirsiniz :

CoreAVC Professional Edition v1.6.5.0 & keygen

DVB Viewer Pro You can use on the program :
* CoreAVC
* ArcSoft
* CyberLink
* Elecard/MC/Sonic
* InterVideo Audio Decoder
* AC3 Filter

Directshow settings path :
* Settings > Options > Directx

try this Video renderer :
* Overlay Mixer
* VMR7 Video Mixer Renderer

if you live small freeze problem during watching HD-TV; set Aspect Ratio value to none

DVB Dream 1.4i You can use on the program :

* CoreAVC
* ArcSoft
* CyberLink (with audio sync & buffers problems !
* Elecard/MC/Sonic (with audio sync & buffers problems !
* InterVideo AC3 Decoder

*AC3 Filter not working with H.264 Decoder in DD ! So you have to use intervideo audio decoder for HD with ac3 channels

Directshow settings path :
* Video > Oto Graph

try this Video renderer :
* Video Mixing Renderer

copy required > dvbdream > guids.ini to root of your dvbdream (current guids.ini already included in 1.4i !)

SkyView 2.5206 You can use on the program
* CoreAVC
* ArcSoft
* CyberLink
* Elecard/MC/Sonic
* InterVideo AC3 Decoder
* AC3 Filter

Directshow settings path :
* Right click on the main window > directx filters > configure
execute required > SkyView > reg.reg ( "m_EnableMPEG4"=dword:00000001 value is important for enabled HD support !)

copy required > SkyView > Graphs > all GRF into your skyview > Graphs
*open any viewable HD channels and select GRF in Right click on the main window > directx filters > Use ProgDVB ( Pro or elecard editon is needed for the HD !

ProgDVB ( Pro or elecard editon is needed for the HD !) You can use on the program :
* CoreAVC
* ArcSoft
* CyberLink
* Elecard/MC/Sonic
* AC3 Filter

Directshow settings path:
* Settings > audio and video >DirectShow
copy required > ProgDVB > FilterGraphs into your ProgDVB > FilterGraphs
register required > ProgDVB > xecore.ax into where place you want for using CoreAVC !
when select VMR GRF, you have to select render autside video renderer
when select OVRL GRF, you have to select only video renderer

AltDVB 2.2 You can use on the program :
* CoreAVC
* CyberLink
* Elecard/MC/Sonic
* InterVideo AC3 Decoder
* AC3 Filter

Directshow settings path :
* Settings >DirectShow >Graph DVB H264 > automatic
*copy required > AltDVB > Configs into your AltDVB > Configs

Winclip 2.9.7 You can use on the program :
* CoreAVC
* ArcSoft (only with VMR9)
* CyberLink
* Elecard/MC/Sonic
* InterVideo AC3 Decoder
* AC3 Filter

Directshow settings path :
* settings > audio video > mode tv reception > auto creat graph
*open any viewable HD channels and select choose in the path and click on test and apply button and watch

HispaDVB 2.0 A12 You can use on the program :
* CoreAVC
* ArcSoft
* CyberLink
* Elecard/MC/Sonic
* InterVideo AC3 Decoder
* AC3 Filter

Directshow settings path :
* Configuration > Modules > Decoder > monitor Multidecoder
if you want to watch HD-TV on HispaDVB, you have to choose Multidecoder module in Configuration > Modules > double click on the right panel

(thanks to dvbsupport.net !)
التعديل الأخير: