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Get Windows 7 from microsoft site for free ..Direct link


كبار الشخصيات
السلام عليكم

Windows 7 برابط مباشر.............. وتقرير شامل ..... من مايكرو سوفت


Microsoft will make the first public beta of Windows 7, the next version of its desktop operating system, available as a free download on Friday. There are several limitations, however, so even if you're excited and committed to trying out Windows 7 Beta 1 on your home PC, check out this list of rules, requirements and considerations.

We culled this list from a post on the official Windows blog and its comments, so check it out before taking the plunge:
  • Windows 7 Beta 1 was supposed to become available at 12:00pm Pacific on January 9, 2009, but the release was delayed. The Windows 7 page on Microsoft's website will host the download once it's ready.
  • Update: Direct links courtesy of Steve Clayton, via NeoWin. If you use these links, you will still need to get a product key from Microsoft once the Windows 7 site updates or you will be restricted to a 30-day trial. You may also need to run a patch (check NeoWin or Steve's blog for details).
  • Product keys will only be made available to the first 2.5 million people to register at Microsoft's official Windows 7 Beta site. Demand will be huge, so prepare to act quickly.
  • Microsoft has not announced a specific time on Friday for the release, but we can expect it will be later in the day so the west coast of North America isn't left out. Update: The beta will be available on Friday afternoon. Other links have surfaced, but they aren't 100% working and they aren't official anyway. Read the details in our newer post.
  • Windows 7 Beta 1 will be offered as an ISO image. It's around 2.5 or 3 gigabytes, so you will need a DVD burner if you want to install it.
  • You will be required to register before downloading so Microsoft can give you a product key.
  • It will be build 7000.
  • The beta will only support Windows Vista SP1 to Windows 7 upgrades. If you're not running Vista SP1 right now, upgrade before you try to install the Windows 7 beta.
  • There is also a clean install option for the Win7 beta.
  • There is no upgrade path from XP.
  • There's only one version of the beta, which Microsoft says "is roughly equivalent the Ultimate edition of Windows Vista."
  • The Windows 7 Beta will expire on August 1. You will probably be forced to go back to using Vista SP1 on August 1 (or maybe upgrade to Win7 Beta 2?).
  • English, German, Japanese, Arabic, and Hindi versions will be available Friday.
  • Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions will be available (except for Hindi, which only gets a 32-bit version).
  • If you're upgrading, remember to back up your PC. It's a beta, stupid!
If you miss out, there will be other ways to get the beta in the near future. It's likely Microsoft will be handing out hard DVDs of the code at developer events and consumer conferences throughout the year.

جربوا هذا الكرك


1. Activate...Please run as administrator or turn off user account control
2. Wait 10 second's and its done...there is no dialog saying activated...
3. Enjoy your fully activated copy of windows 7 ....
This is also my current windows 7 explorer mod FOR BUILD 6801 6956, 7000 ... made by me
as IT IS the activator wallpaper also...

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