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Flash Player 9 الجديد هنا للتحميل


ستار جديد
السلام عليكم

قامت شركة Adobe الشهيرة بطرح النسخة الأحدث من مشغل الفلاش الأشهر ألا وهو :

Adobe Flash Player Download Center

و كما قرأت عنه فانه محسن و معالج فيه كثير من المشاكل

File size: 1,324 K
Download Time Estimate: 2 minutes @ 56K modem
Version: 9,0,16,0
Browser: Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, and CompuServe
Date Posted: 6/27/2006
Language: English

Installation Instructions

1. Installation of Adobe Flash Player may require administrative access to your PC, which is normally provided by your IT department. For the installation to succeed, you may be asked to close all open browser windows during the installation.
2. Click the Download Now button. A dialog box will appear asking you where to save the Installer.
3. Save the Installer to your desktop, and wait for it to download completely.
4. An Installer icon will appear on your desktop. Double-click on it.


5. You may be prompted to close open browser windows to continue with the installation.
6. You can verify the version you have installed by visiting the About Flash page.



ستار جديد
شكرا لردودكم

و عفكرة كان في عندي مشاكل في ال firefox وجربت كثير برامج و طرق لحلها نا انحلت

الا لما نزلت هذا الاصدار من الفلاش

فنصيحة الكل يحمله

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