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EVEREST 3.50 Build 761 Ultimate البرنامج الشهير لمعرفة كل دقيقة من مكونات جهازك

DVB Master

كبار الشخصيات

طبعا البرنامج الشهير غني عن التعريف فالكثير منا يستخدمه لمعرفة أدق مكونات الجهاز وأداؤها وكذلك الموقع الإلكتروني لمنتجي المكونات لتنزيل أخر التحديثات وغيرها الكثير من المميزات الرائعة في نسخته الأخيرة والكاملة

EVEREST Ultimate Edition is an industry leading system diagnostics and benchmarking solution for enthusiasts PC users, based on the award-winning EVEREST Technology. During system optimizations and tweaking it provides essential system and overclock information, advanced hardware monitoring and diagnostics capabilities to check the effects of the applied settings. CPU, FPU and memory benchmarks are available to measure the actual system performance and compare it to previous states or other systems. Furthermore, complete software, operating system and security information makes EVEREST Ultimate Edition a comprehensive system diagnostics tool that offers a total of 100 pages of information about your PC.

New features in EVEREST version 3.50 :
* Support for dual-core and quad-core Intel Core 2 processors
* Support for Logitech keyboard LCD
* Hardware monitoring: support for 3rd party applications
* ATI CrossFire and nVIDIA SLI information
* Detailed optical drive information
* Screen size test picture in Monitor Diagnostics
* SCSI and SAS hard disk temperature measurement
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