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DVDX Platinum v2.10


ستار جديد

This is the perfect DVD movie backup tool for every DVD movie burning situation<

This is the perfect DVD movie backup tool for every DVD movie burning situation, guaranteed to satisfy DVD movie lovers at any level. With DVD X Platinum s Simple mode, you get one-click automated backups with blazing speed. Power-users and movie buffs alike rave about DVDXPlatinum s Advanced mode where you can easily create highly customized backups by compressing or deleting content of your choice. That s right, you can slice, dice and squeeze or leave DVD movie content how you like. Then save these burn session preferences via small TDF files that can be shared with your friends. Platinum is the most advanced DVD movie burning technology of its kind. Highlights

* Make perfect DVD to DVD backups
* Choose between simple and power-user modes
* One-click auto-compress to any blank DVD disc
* Split large movies to multiple discs for perfect quality
* Customize compression rates
* Delete unwanted content​
