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أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

DVBViewer v4.3.1.140 BETA بتاريخ 7/5/2010

دكتور أهلاوي

ستار جديد

Version BETA

Expires 01.06.2010

  • Fix: Custom VMR 9 : Under certain circumstances the custom VMR 9 didn't work anymore.
  • Fix: Main Window : Sometimes the recording icon in the statusbar wasn't updated correctly.
  • Change: Resume Playback : Removed the resume playback dialog. Now you can define in the DVD/Video options if you want to start always from the beginning or always resume.
    If you use “always resume” a info field is shown “To start from the beginning press 0”. You can define how long it is shown in the said option. If you set the time to 0 it wont be shown at all.
  • Change: Program start : It is now possible to start fullscreen without the normal window showing before.
  • Removed: General options : Removed fullscreen always on top. This can now be set with the normal menu item Stay on top.
  • Changed: Main Window : Stay on top, show/hide menubar, statusbar and toolbar are now handled separately for fullscreen and normal window. This does only work if NO window skin for the main window is selected.
  • Add: OSD EPG windows : Added a new menu item in the OSD blue popup menu: Prebook. This programs a tuning timer without dialog window and with EPG pre- and postroll times. Works in the windows: ChannelEPG, ChannelWindow, EPGNow, EPGSearch, Timeline.
  • Fix: OSD : It was not possible to disable subtitles if no subtitles were present but a subtitle has earlier been selected.
  • Fix: Terratec H7: MMI didn't work with this card, because it was not detected as a supported card.
  • Add: BDA Hardware: Added support for the BDA driver of the Technisat Skystar HD USB.
  • Add: D3D Exclusive Mode : Works only with custom Renderer activated and skinning of the main window deactivated.
    You can activate with a tweak in the setup.xml section “ MPEG ” with the entry
    <entry name="D3DExclusive">1</entry>
    Of course it only works in fullscreen mode. You can't access the popup menu or any other window. You can only use the OSD.

التثبيت : يجب تثبيت الإصدار أولا ثم قم بتثبيت التحديث الموجود بالمرفقات وبعده قم بتثبيت
أحدث فلاتر البرنامج بتاريخ 27 فبراير 2010 تجدوه هنا

للسيريال و للتغلب على مشاكله راجع هذا الموضوع

لاتنسونا من دعائكم بظاهر الغيب بالرزق الحلال والخلف الصالح

التحميل فى المرفقات


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