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<<DivX Pro v6.7 Final>>


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السلام عليكم

<<DivX Pro v6.7 Final>>


The DivX Codec takes the power of advanced digital video compression to the next level, encoding video at resolutions up to high-definition 1920 x 1080. That's right, you heard it straight: 1080i and 1080p, at a fraction of the file size. What more can we say? Wait, we almost forgot, there is more. Read on, dear friend, for a list of DivX Codec features.


* Compress digital video 5 to 10 times more than MPEG-2/DVD format and hundreds of times over raw digital video
* Encode high-definition (HD) video at resolutions up to 1080p
* Maximized performance for all HyperThreaded, dual core and dual CPU (SMP) systems
* Improved support for interlaced video 
* Six carefully optimized encoding modes for balancing visual quality and performance
* Automated noise reduction reduces grain and low-light noise (common with DV cameras) without significantly degrading the video
DivX Pro includes:
DivX Player 6.6 
DivX Community Codec 6.7 
DivX Web Player 1.3.1 
DivX Converter 6.5 
DivX Pro Codec 6.7
- Official DivX 1080HD profile
The 1080HD profile assures playback of DivX video on certified devices such as DVD players and cameras.
- Support for interlaced video and bi-directional coding
Under 1080HD profile and Unconstrained mode, it is now possible to use bi-directional and interlace coding in combination, leading to improved compression for 1080i video.
- Support for custom aspect ratios
The ability to support additional aspect ratios allows transcoding of common HD formats such as HDV, DVCPRO and AVCHD without adjusting the picture aspect.
- Easy picture format conversions
Using the "Resize to width" resize mode or the auto-compute "Format out" options makes converting between pixel aspect ratios a snap.

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