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اتيت لكم ببرنامج رائع Digital Video Repair 1.0
لتصليح ملفات الفيديو تنسيقAVI التى تحتوى على مقاطع تالفة او ناقصة
البرنامج فى الرابط التالى Digital Video Repair 1.0
صورة البرنامج
اتيت لكم ببرنامج رائع Digital Video Repair 1.0
لتصليح ملفات الفيديو تنسيقAVI التى تحتوى على مقاطع تالفة او ناقصة
البرنامج فى الرابط التالى Digital Video Repair 1.0
صورة البرنامج
Digital Video Repair -
small utility for repairing (fixing) AVI files.
You can repair partly damaged or corrupted AVI file in these cases:
1. AVI file have not completely copied from CD, DVD or other source
2. AVI file have not completely downloaded from the Internet (eDonkey, BitTorrent, etc)
3. Video freezed when playing
4. Video can't be seeked (fast forwarded)
5. Video can't be played
General features
* Detect the bad data
* Repair the index of AVI file
* Detect the key-frame for these codecs:
o XviD
o DivX 4, 5
o 3ivx
o Microsoft MPEG4 (versions 1, 2, 3)
o DivX 3.11 and late (versions 1, 2, 3 Low è Fast)
o Angel Potion (versions 1 è 2)
* Support the Standart AVI file format (Microsoft Video for Windows)
* Support the OpenDML AVI file format
* Process of AVI files with a several audio-track
* Delete not important information from AVI file (chunk JUNK)