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CyberLink PowerDVD9 Ultra


ستار جديد
Download CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra Deluxe 9.0 From Rapidshare


Download CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra Deluxe 9.0 From Megaupload


Install / Crack Info

1.Download both files.
2.Extract from the first file and you'll get a bunch of zip files.
3.Extract the zip files one by one and you'll get the keygen and some other files with .001,.002... extension.
4.Open winrar and locate the file with .001 extension and press the extract button and you'll get a single rar files.
5.Extract the last rar and you'll get the setup files. CORE has put more effort in packing this release than in cracking it! LOL!(Their first release didn't work...)
5.Install the app. When you open it, it's most probabely in DELUXE version.
6.Use the provided keygen to update to ULTRA version using the activate button in the about screen!