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CyberLink PowerDVD v8.0


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CyberLink PowerDVD v8.0


CyberLink PowerDVD v8.0 | 82.56 Mb
PowerDVD is the latest evolution of the world acclaimed DVD software program that offers maximum video and audio playback entertainment on the PC. It comes complete with numerous customizable video/audio controls that can deliver the highest quality viewing and listening experience. PowerDVD incorporates support for high-definition audio and video, true 8-channel home theater audio playback, virtual surround sound, as well as complete controls and extra features for DVD enthusiasts.

Introducing MoovieLive: the website that syncs seamlessly with PowerDVD and moves the movie experience beyond the PC.

Aside from watching movies, users can now build their favorite movie collection, create and share movie remixes, rate and write reviews.

It's all part of CyberLink's new dimension in movie entertainment.

MoovieLive is also the perfect way for users to share their interest in cinema by networking with friends all over the world.

CyberLink ships over a million copies of PowerDVD each month, creating a massive group of PowerDVD users globally.

PowerDVD 8 and MoovieLive represent the basis of a huge social network, where users can interact with each other to share their love of movies.

New Dimensions in Movie Entertainment
-Collect Favorite Movies
-Create Movie Remixes
-Network with Movie Friends
-Collaborate to Build a DVD Database

Cutting-Edge Movie Playback Technologies
-CyberLink TrueTheater Motion delivers smooth video playback, interpolating the number of frames.
-Support for HDMI ensures high quality audio for HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc titles.
-Support for leading graphics cards delivers the best high-definition video playback with low CPU consumption

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