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AutoPatcher XP - sept 2006


ستار جديد
AutoPatcher is a comprehensive collection of patches, addons and registry tweaks that give you peace of mind in the knowledge that your Windows system is up to date, even before you connect it to the Internet. AutoPatcher XP is an installation package designed for Windows XP to quickly patch a system with the most current updates and tweaks available, so you can update your system quick and easily and requires no user interaction once you have selected what to install. Just simply run this Application, and it will get your machine up to date in a matter of minutes so you can enjoy the better things in life instead of sitting afront of your computer and trying to figure out which update is right for you. The stability and the usability of this program is also excellent. Thanks to its slick GUI and its easy to use interface, updating your machine is a snap! This release is based on the all-new AutoPatcher 5.0. Although it was made with Windows XP SP2 English in mind, it will load on any (English) Windows version, showing only the items which match the running environment.


- How often do you install Windows? Crashes, viruses, or even fixing other peoples' computers...

- Most people install their operating system regularly, whether they want to or not.

- After a while, you will get sick of going to Windows Update and continuously downloading patch after patch, update after update.

- AutoPatcher is a comprehensive collection of patches, addons and registry tweaks.

- This gives you the peace of mind in the knowledge that your Windows system is up to date

- Designed to quickly patch a system with the most current updates and tweaks available.

- Requires no user interaction once you have selected what to install!

