ما الجديد
ستار دي في بي | StarDVB

أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

60 موقع استضافه لرفع الملفات


كبار الشخصيات
Limit of file: 2GB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 7 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 7 days)
URL: http://www.sendover.com

Limit of file: 1.5GB
Limit of unloadings: 25 Unloadings
Life of the file: 7 days
URL: http://www.filefactory.com

Limit of file: 1.5GB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 25 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 25 days)
URL: http://www.megashares.com

Limit of file: 1.2GB
Limit of unloadings: bandwidth it limits of 100GB
Life of the file: 14 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 14 days)
URL: http://www.sendspace.com

Limit of file: 1GB
Limit of unloadings: 25 Unloadings
Life of the file: 7 days
URL: http://www.yousendit.com

Limit of file: 1GB
Limit of unloadings: 20 Unloadings
Life of the file: 5 days
URL: http://www.transferbigfiles.com

Limit of file: 500MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.zupload.com

Limit of file: 500MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 14 days
URL: http://www.spread-it.com

Limit of file: 500MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 15 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 15 days)
URL: http://www.filefactory.com

Limit of file: 500MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.mooload.com

Limit of file: 500MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 7 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 7 days)
URL: http://www.cyberupload.com

Limit of file: 500MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.uploading.com

Limit of file: 500MB
Limit of unloadings: 999 Unloadings
Life of the file: 15 days
URL: http://www.snaggys.com

Limit of file: 300MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.bigupload.com

Limit of file: 300MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.rapidupload.com

Limit of file: 300MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 21 days
URL: http://www.sharebigfile.com

Limit of file: 250MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.megaupload.com

Limit of file: 250MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: Limitless
URL: http://www.updownloadserver.de

Limit of file: 250MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 15 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 15 days)
URL: http://www.xtrafile.com

Limit of file: 250MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 10 days
URL: http://www.bonpoo.com

Limit of file: 250MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 31 days
URL: http://www.filecache.de/upload

Limit of file: 200MB
Limit of unloadings: 30 Unloadings
Life of the file: 7 days
URL: http://supload.com/sendfile

Limit of file: 100MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.rapidshare.de

Limit of file: 100MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.mysharebox.com

Limit of file: 100MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days
URL: http://www.theupload.com

Limit of file: 1 MB
Limit of unloadings: Without it limits
Life of the file: Without day
URL: www.hometown.aol.com

Limit of file: 100MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 10 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 10 days)
URL: http://zshare.net

Limit of file: 100MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: Stranger
URL: http://www.upload.sc

Store and Serve
Limit of file: 100MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://storeandserve.com

Limit of file: 100MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: Limitless
URL: http://bigfileupload.com

Limit of file: 100MB
Limit of unloadings: bandwidth it limits of 500MB per hour
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://quickdump.com

Limit of file: 75MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days
URL: http://www.easy-sharing.com

I disturb Upload
Limit of file: 70MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: Stranger
URL: http://www.turboupload.com

Limit of file: 60MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 14 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 14 days)
URL: http://www.savefile.com

Limit of file: 60MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.filehd.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 60 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 60 days)
URL: http://www.rapidsharing.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.uploadsend.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.uploadfront.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Stranger
Life of the file: Stranger
URL: http://www.freeuploader.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 15 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 15 days)
URL: http://www.momoshare.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.friendlyshare.de

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: 200 Unloadings
Life of the file: 15 days
URL: http://www.orb-z.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days
URL: http://www.uploadhut.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 14 days
URL: http://www.supashare.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Stranger
Life of the file: Stranger
URL: http://www.filehost.ro

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: Stranger
Life of the file: Stranger
URL: http://www.ushareit.com

Limit of file: 50MB
Limit of unloadings: 1000 Unloadings
Life of the file: 50 days
URL: http://www.sceneworld.net/up

Limit of file: 40MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 21 days
URL: http://www.mytempdir.com

Send File
Limit of file: 40MB
Limit of unloadings: 10 Unloadings
Life of the file: 10 days
URL: http://www.send-file.co.uk

Limit of file: 30MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.ultrashare.net

Limit of file: 30MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 21 days
URL: http://www.uploadtemple.com

Limit of file: 30MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 14 days
URL: http://www.sendmefile.com

Limit of file: 25MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 1 Year
URL: http://upload2.net

Limit of file: 20MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)
URL: http://www.uploadtown.com

Limit of file: 20MB
Limit of unloadings: Stranger
Life of the file: Stranger
URL: http://a1.11mbit.in

Limit of file: 20MB
Limit of unloadings: Stranger
Life of the file: Stranger
URL: http://www.refrozen.com

Limit of file: 15MB
Limit of unloadings: Stranger
Life of the file: Stranger
URL: http://keepmyfile.com

Limit of file: 10MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: Limitless
URL: http://www.hyperupload.com

Limit of file: 10MB
Limit of unloadings: Limitless
Life of the file: 30 days
URL: http://www.webfilehost.com

على فكرة انا بعمل المواضيع لتسهيل العملية على الاعضاء الجدد وجزاكم الله خيرا


كبار الشخصيات
يارب يكون المواقع عجبتكم وياريت لو فى مواقع تانية انا مش عاملها تكتبوها اخيكم ممدوح شبل


ستار جديد
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مشكور مشكور


ستار جديد
مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور مشكور
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مشكور مشكور