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نسخة جديدة opera 10.51


ستار جديد
السلام عليكم

النسخة الجديدة التي صدرت بتاريخ 2010/3/12

opera 10.51


والتي تحتوي بشكل عام على تعديلات في البريد الإلكتروني ومحرك الجافا وخاصية التزامن وتعديلات أخرى تتعلق بثبات البرنامج في الأداء وتعديلات أخرى .

هنا قائمة التعديلات الجديدة

Skin tweaking (more native default skin) 
Fixed several common crashers reported via the crashlogging tool 
Fixed DSK-273787 (Inline find toolbar uses Google search) 
Fixed DSK-283210 (Drag & Drop in page broken) 
Fixed DSK-283085 (Icons on customized status bar duplicated on upgrade) 
Fixed DSK-279809 (Wrong accelerator key for CJK) 
Fixed DSK-275798 (Chat notification appears even if chat tab is active) 
Fixed DSK-278443 (Importing bookmarks imports a second "Trash" folder) 
Fixed DSK-276834 (Ini file variables no longer working: %s, %t, %c, %u, %l) 
Fixed DSK-279652 (Deleting bookmark closes/collapses all folders) 
Fixed DSK-274429 (Focus lost when deleting bookmarks) 
Fixed DSK-272965 (Plugins not moved to new window when dragging tab from a different window) 
Fixed DSK-280340 (Use image on desktop doesn't work) 
Fixed DSK-268249 ('Use Integrated Search' searches in google, not in the page) 
Fixed DSK-280390 (The O menu button can reappear when the menu bar is enabled) 
Fixed DSK-274949 (Icon remains in the system tray after closing Opera) 
Fixed DSK-283422 (Crash on startup with old profile) 
Fixed DSK-286209 (Crash when disabling "Encode international Web addresses with UTF-8) 
Fixed DSK-279060 (Minimized tabs don't display after restart) 
Fixed DSK-280780 (Favicon not added to bookmarks due to question mark in filename/path) 
Fixed DSK-282359 (Icons missing from menus in 16-bit color mode) 
Fixed DSK-285442 (Scrolling performance is slower in 10.50 than 10.10 on some configurations) 
Fixed DSK-275546 (No main menu after upgrading)

Fixed DSK-279742 (Incorrect font used for UTF8 page without lang specified) 
Fixed DSK-284316 (Crashers when syncing against random Link data) 
Fixed DSK-285606 (Opera Link fails to sync when item has no value for id or content attribute) 
Fixed CARAKAN-1058 (Memory leak in Dromaeo tests) 
Fixed CARAKAN-1138 (Crash when throwing exception from JIT-invoked eval()) 
Fixed CARAKAN-1141 (Crash on thejit.org demo (JIT only)) 
Fixed CARAKAN-779 (Incorrect toString of accessor properties) 
Further Carakan crash fixes 
Fixed CORE-28353 (Thread migration with cross-scheduler back references cause a crash) 
Fixed CORE-28317 (Cookies received over NPAPI are incorrectly parsed): DnB NOR login fails 
Fixed CORE-17989 (Should allow cookie mode override in ua.ini) 
Fixed CORE-27420 (drawImage called with an image with non-existent source throws) 
Fixed CORE-28379 (Crash when calling opera.io.filesystem.browseForDirectory() from widget)

Fixed DSK-255372 (Add functionality to get quote-marks from documentedit) 
Fixed DSK-284837 (Attachments not accessible for sent messages) 
Fixed DSK-284161 (Ghost e-mails in the Trash folder after emptying it and a restart of Opera) 
Fixed DSK-286102 (Message not loaded when it's deselected and selected again) 
Fixed DSK-284168 (Only possible to attach images after inserting an image in an HTML mail) 
Fixed DSK-262824 (Missing inlined image when reopening draft when image has space in filename) 
Fixed DSK-283465 (Mail is blank when using fit to width) 
Fixed DSK-284781 (Attachments not sent if mail is sent quickly after attaching files) 
Fixed DSK-283709 (Emails container has extra border) 
Fixed DSK-270134 (Welcome mail in Opera Mail shows old logo) 
Fixed DSK-275889 (Quotes missing in mail.css and webfeeds.html) 
Fixed DSK-269693 (Missing option to move mail.css) 
Fixed DSK-286863 (Opera Mail welcome e-mail message not localized) 
Fixed CORE-28422 (Added possibility to get blockquotes as text)[/SIZE][/COLOR]

حمل البرنامج

opera 10.51

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