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WinZip 14.0 Build 8652 - Final
هو من أشهر البرامج فى مجال ضغط وفك ضغط الملفات والتحكم بأرشفتها حيث يقوم
بفتح وترتيب وأضافة وأذالة الملفات فى الأرشفه المضغوطه يمكنه انشاء ارشفه مضغوطه
من ملف واحد او عدة ملفات يمكنك من خلاله حماية ملفاتك برقم سرى هذه النسخه
تم تحسينها وأضافة أداه تساعدك فى سرعة الضغط وعدم اعطاب الملفات مستقبلا
مع هذا البرنامج يمكنك ضغط ملفات الصور الرقميه والرسوم البيانيه بنسبه تتراوح من
20 الى 25% مع عدم فقدان شئ فى جودة الصوره أو سلامة البيانات
متوافق مع Windows 2000, XP, Vista® or Windows 7
WinZip® is the original and most trusted file compression software for Windows. No other compression utility is as easy-to-use or offers the comprehensive feature set and productivity-enhancing approach that has made WinZip the gold standard in file compression tools. The new WinZip 14 provides deep integration with Windows, including Microsoft’s latest operating system - Windows 7 - as well as innovative features that improve zipping security and simplicity.
With WinZip 14 you can quickly zip and unzip files to conserve storage space, speed up e-mail transmission, and reduce download times. In addition to state-of-the-art file compression, WinZip 14 offers strong AES encryption for securing sensitive data, the ability to bundle files into convenient, compressed packages, and an automated data backup facility to prevent data loss. WinZip creates Zip, LHA, and Zipx files - the smallest Zip files ever - and it opens Zip, Zipx, RAR, 7Z, BZ2, CAB, JAR, IMG, and most other compressed file types.
WinZip 14 even supports photo and image compression. Now you can compress your digital photographs and graphic images by 20 to 25% with no loss of photo quality or data integrity. This lets you send pictures faster and fit more on your flash drive, CD/DVD, or hard disc than ever before.
Use WinZip for all your compression, encryption, file packaging, and data backup needs. WinZip 14 starts at only 29.95 for a single user license and is available in three product editions: WinZip Standard edition, the new WinZip Backup edition, and the full-featured WinZip Pro edition.
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