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ملف التحديث للنود 32 بدون الانترنت ESET Cumulative Update Rleease 4436 2009-9-18


كبار الشخصيات


ESET Cumulative Update Rleease 4436 20090918


اخر تحديث للنود 32 بتاريخ 18 / 9 / 2009

ESET Smart Security & NOD32 Offline Update - September 18th 2009 (4436) | 40.01MB Update your NOD32 without internet connection.
* Extract to any folder. You should get a folder called "nod_upd" along with the update files inside. * Move that folder to the C:\. (You should have "c:\nod_upd") * Open up the NOD32 Control Center by clicking on the system tray icon. * Open the "Update" screen and click on "Setup"
* In the "Server" dropdown list, choose the last item which should point to C:\nod_upd. * Click OK to close the update setup window. * Back at the update screen, click "Update now"

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