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لانشر لوليبوب للاندرويد نسخة مدفوعه مجربه Lollipop Launcher Pro 2 v1.2

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ستار جديد
Lollipop Launcher Pro 2 v1.2


1. In accordance with Android 5.0 launcher, enhance for Android 4.0+ devices
2. Support swipe proper to Google Now; Enable OK Google from all L Launcher monitors (require Android 4.4); 2. Improve icon theme, appropriate with most icon pack (same as Nova launcher,solo launcher,go launcher,apex launcher,etc)
3. Translucent status bar and navigation bar (Android4.4 + devices, and Galaxy S4, S5, Galaxy Note2/3, Tab2/3 ,etc )
4. Clear standing bar clone for Android 4.0-4.3
19. To hand Sidebar, and can drag-out Sidebar any place
5. Drawer features: Hide app, Create folders, Sort app, Quick A-Z bar 6. Drawer style: Horizontal, Vertical, Vertical with class
7. Many Desktop and Drawer transition impact
8. Many gestures and Dock icon gesture
9. Unread Counts/Notifier
11. UI Size Mode: Small, Medium, Large, Extra massive
12. Live wallpapers: parallax impact, blur, multi-wallpaper
17. Backup and restore launcher atmosphere and format
18. Import format from different launcher
20. Extremely customizable, MANY choices: [Launcher Desktop :]
+ Set launcher desktop grid
+ Set icon measurement, icon textual content measurement/colour, hide icon textual content
+ Lock desktop possibility
+ Disguise search bar, standing bar
+ Conceal shadow, indicator
+ Countless scrolling
+ Set launcher default Home Screen to Left, Middle or Right
+ Wallpaper scrolling
+ Theme improve: similar to Galaxy, iOS 8, Win 8 icon pack [Launcher Dock :]
+ Multi Dock pages
+ Selection of Dock icons + Dock icon dimension
+ Conceal Dock
+ Drawer icon place [Launcher Drawer :]
+ Set launcher drawer grid
+ Drawer folder
+ Set icon dimension, icon textual content dimension/shade
+ Heritage clear [Launcher Sidebar:]
+ Launch from all over
+ Fast toggle
+ Favorite apps, Recent apps
+ KK Clearner [Launcher Folder :]
+ Max rows and columns
+ Folder background
+ Folder preview style
+ Bulk add for folder Lollipop launcher, Android 5.0 Launcher











