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أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

كما تعودتم على الحصريات DVBViewer Pro 4.9 الإصدار الاحترافي جديد من الفرن


ستار جديد
كما تعودتم على الحصريات يطل علينا الاصدار الجديد الاحترافي من DVBViewer Pro 4.9

صورة من موقع البرنامج الخاص بالمشتركين تبين رقم و تاريخ النسخة

و جديد هذه النسخة هو :

The changelog:

Add: TOT data generated by the system time
Add: Audio play states are now handled by the MHEG engine
Add: Video play states are now handled by the MHEG engine
Add: partially support for online content like BBC iPlayer
Fix: Volume control of the MHEG engine should work correctly
Fix: Interactive language is now send to the MHEG application correctly
Add: PVR Bookings are send/read to/from the VCR

Video On Demand Filter
Add: Youtube support (youtube://[youtubeid])
Add: Vimeo support (vimeo://[vimeoid])
Fix: Improved Playback and buffering of all kind of audio and video streams
Add: Better Icecast/Shoutcast detection
Removed: LastFM support

Add: Playback Presets by Griga. Presets are used to offer a more flexible way to select codecs and splitters for specific file formats. Note: selecting a Videorenderer inside these preset files is NOT supported.
Some example presets are in the [app-folder]\GraphPresets_Samples. You need to copy them into the [configuration folder]\GraphPresets\ folder and adjust the filter IDs and/or make sure you have the fitting filters/splitters installed.
Add: Playback: Added CD and WAV playback via the DVBSource Filter.
Change: Program: Saving of the windows positions is now handled a little better.
Fix: Program: The position of dialog windows was sometimes incorrect.
Add: Playback: Playback of ts/mp3/wav streams from a http source (Recording Service) via the DVBSource filter added. Use the "Open URL" dialog. Needs the current version of the Recording Service.
Fix: Installation: A clean installation with no channel list as a Recording Service client could deactivate all timers in the Recording Service.
Fix: Program Start: under certain circumstances a renderer error message could delay the program start up to 20 seconds.
Fix: Recordings: If adjust PAT/PMT was activated and the SID of a channel was wrong, no Audio/Videodata was written. Now adjust PAT/PMT is deactivated if the SID doesn't match. careful this might cause problems with other hard/Software. Make sure the SID of a channel is always correct.
Change: Rewritten and optimized the code for (debug)Logfile writing.
Fix: Settings: Changes to Auto detect Audio/Video weren't saved anymore.
Updated to current sqlite3 version.
Updated the DVBViewer Filter.
Several corrections and optimizations.
Language files updated.

Add: Skystar USB HD with WDM driver: Enabled Diseqc 1.2 for this device.
Add: BDA: DiSEqC support for DVBSky devices added.
Add: BDA: Detection of Digital Devices Cine CT V6 devices added.
Add: BDA: Reworked the detection of Turbosight devices. You might have to do a manual hardware search in the options.
Add: BDA: Cinergy HTC Stick detection added.
Change: BDA: New option for EMPIA compatible devices in DVB-C mode in the hardware Options: "Force Auto Modulation". Changing this value might help if channel changes are very slow.
Add: Support for Hauppauge PVR devices

النسخة جديدة و بتاريخ 15-9-2011 وهي غير مكركة

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بارك الله فيك ياغالي ماقصرت والله والف مبروك عليك النسخة
سلمت يداك وبانتظار اي كراك


كبار الشخصيات
اشكرك اخي انس وياريت الكراك لاني تعبت من النسخة


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