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فلاتر لبرنامج الفيور DVBViewer_Filter v 3.9.1


ستار جديد

احدث فلاتر البرنامج الرائع DVBViewer

DVBViewer Filter

Latest Version 3.9.1



الجديد في هذا الاصدار

Changes in version 3.9.1 beta:

• Added: Progressive / interlaced display on the property page by "p" or "i" right after the vertical video resolution.

• Changed: Display of the visible resolution (e. g. 1920x1080) instead of the decoded resolution (e. g. 1920x1088) for H.264 and H.265 resp. HEVC on the property page.

Reason for the difference: The vertical "technical" H.264/H.256 resolution must be a multiple of 16. However, in order to achieve a certain aspect ratio, the visible resolution may be cropped to a value that is not a multiple of 16.

لتحميل الفلتر
