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عملاق الحماية Deep Freeze Standard في آخر إصدار


ستار جديد
عملاق الحماية Deep Freeze Standard في آخر إصدار


Deep Freeze instantly protects and preserves baseline computer configurations. No matter what changes a user makes to a workstation, simply restart to eradicate all changes and reset the computer to its original state - right down to the last byte. Expensive computer assets are kept running at 100% capacity and technical support time is reduced or eliminated completely. The result is consistent trouble-free computing on a truly protected and parallel network, completely free of harmful viruses and unwante.
While Deep Freeze provides bulletproof protection, its non-restrictive approach also improves user productivity and satisfaction. Placing no restrictions on a user's ability to access all system resources, users avoid the frustration of downtime due to software conflicts, operating system corruption, virus attacks, and many other problems. Users are always assured of computers that are consistently operable and available.
Deep Freeze is currently available in two editions for Windows, each with different features and capabilities to suit the needs of any environment... Mac OS X and Windows Server editions are available and we are currently gathering market interest in a Linux edition.d programs.
Deep Freeze Standard is changing the way IT Professionals protect small multi-user environments. Simple, robust, and cost effective Deep Freeze Standard is ideal for computing environments with 10 or less workstations.
Absolute Protection
* Guarantees 100% workstation recovery on restart
* Provides password protection and complete security
* Protects multiple hard drives and partitions
* Protects CMOS
* Protects master boot record
Integration and Compatibility
* Supports multiple hard drives and partitions
* Supports multi-boot environments
* Compatible with Fast User Switching
* Supports SCSI, ATA, SATA, and IDE hard drives
* Offers single install for Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP
* Compatible with FAT, FAT32, NTFS, basic and dynamic disks
Deployment Options
* Offers silent install option for rapid network deployment
* Provides option to deploy on multiple workstations as part of a master image​

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