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حمل الان: Advanced Spyware. Remover Professional v1.96.469.Re tail


ستار جديد
Advanced Spyware. Remover Professional v1.96.469.Re tail


من اقوي برامج الانتى سباي وير

Advanced Spyware Remover is an advanced but easy-to-use anti spyware tool that removes spyware, adware, malware, hijacker programs and immunizes them to block future spyware threats that may invade your privacy and even steal your credit card numbers or personal information. It upgrades computer system performance and creating a secure computer that runs reliably.

Advanced Spyware Remover has the ability to block over 20000 known spyware and internet threats from ever being installed in your computer. Also it blocks thousands of harmful website to protect your online privacy and improve computer security. It is more than a spyware remover but scans the hijack programs in your computer and tweaks your system, manages key area of your computer. With the build-in "Process Dictionary" you will know everything that is running in your computer including system process, general software, spyware/adware and virus. Also, you can remove unwanted browser extended menu items, extended program and browser hijackers in your web browser.

