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جديد Opera 1052 build 3344 beta


ستار جديد
نسخة تجريبية جديدة صدرت من أوبرا وهي بتاريخ 2010/4/1

Opera 1052 build 3344​


التغيرات في النسخة الجديدة


Opera 1052 build 3344

Fixed DSK-273933 (Translate crash log submission page) 
Fixed DSK-276491 (Checkboxes have no focus indication) 
Fixed DSK-277939 (Context menu search opens in new tab, does not reuse current tab) 
Fixed DSK-279239 (Copy Link Address follows redirects) 
Fixed DSK-279809 (Wrong accelerator key for CJK) 
Fixed DSK-279853 (Modified toolbars keep getting created) 
Fixed DSK-281697 (Text with opacity set looks ugly/bold) 
Fixed DSK-283981 (Add tooltip to O menu) 
Fixed DSK-284079 (Problem with MDI window size after maximizing Opera window) 
Fixed DSK-284507 (It is not possible to drag a bookmark into a tab with a page already loaded) 
Fixed DSK-287461 (Scrollbars not shown on transformed elements) 
Fixed DSK-288357 (Old tab content shows briefly when opening link in a new tab) 
Fixed DSK-288752 (Scrolling by middleclick scrolls fixed positioned content) 
Fixed DSK-289287 (Opening and closing Panel changes the position of child window) 
Fixed DSK-289353 (Scrolling is slow when using page search (when dimmed)) 
Fixed DSK-117381 (UI dropdowns should close when their parent button is clicked a second time.) 
Fixed DSK-273610 (Crash dialog should not default to restarting Opera) 
Fixed DSK-276458 (No close button if "show close button on each tab" is unticked) 
Fixed DSK-277341 (Warning dialog for configuration file download doesn't disappear) 
Fixed DSK-279742 (Incorrect font used for UTF8 page without lang specified) 
Fixed DSK-281261 (Security information dialog improved) 
Fixed DSK-281507 (Crash caused by Transfers Panel after customisation) 
Fixed DSK-282852 (Fix tab cycler skin) 
Fixed DSK-283282 (Tab cycle background is too small when "show thumbnails in tab cycle" is off) 
Fixed DSK-285021 (Can't change dictionary of correct words in IRC spell checker) 
Fixed DSK-285076 ("Copy Video Address" doesn't work) 
Fixed DSK-285451 ("Exit" button in sync dialog not working) 
Fixed DSK-285482 ("Save Video" doesn't work) 
Fixed DSK-285618 (Flash videos flicker, disappear, or gets corrupted after scrolling) 
Fixed DSK-286831 (First sync doesn't sync modified bookmarks properly) 
Fixed DSK-287233 (Clicking Don't send in crash dialog crashes opera) 
Fixed DSK-287357 (Transparency of new page zoom popup is inconsistent) 
Fixed DSK-287402 (Can't copy audio address in context menu) 
Fixed DSK-287484 (Rewind and Fast Forward always disabled/grayed out in right click menu) 
Fixed DSK-287632 (Empty private window workspace when restarting from private window) 
Fixed DSK-287646 ("New Tab" from Dock or Jumplist create new window with two tabs) 
Fixed DSK-288922 (Printing dialog on maps.google.com blocks keyboard input) 
Fixed several crashes

Fixed CORE-28709 (Speed up scrolling when page is dimmed) 
Fixed CORE-28509 (Fixed backwards compability, so slider track gets 4 pixels default size if nothing is specified)

Fixed an issue related to accessing the admin pages 
Fixed DSK-289121 (Enable Unite pref doesn't work)

Removed security policy restrictions on widget.openURL and external links 
Fixed DSK-267449 (Widgets that do not have favicon don't show the widget generic icon) 
Fixed DSK-272643 (Clipped string occurs on remote debug window) 
Fixed DSK-285601 (Impossible to install multiple instances of one widget) 
Fixed DSK-285605 (Widget installer starts as Opera) 
Fixed DSK-285607 (Drag'n'drop of .wgt file onto browser doesn't start Widget installer) 
Fixed DSK-285647 (Flash content of widget is not clickable) 
Fixed DSK-285980 (Help "About Opera Widgets" menu contains ID String) 
Fixed DSK-286035 (Impossible to install widget with default settings as a standard user) 
Fixed DSK-286285 (Widget installer got Opera's icon if another widget is opened) 
Fixed DSK-286329 (Uninstalling a widget does not uninstall it) 
Fixed DSK-286713 (Cannot install Opera Windget in non-ASCII path) 
Fixed DSK-286850 (Widget installer cannot be launched without Opera) 
Fixed DSK-287220 (Opera crashes if removing not upgraded widget from widget panel) 
Fixed DSK-287459 (No prompt for removing active (upgraded) widgets using widgets panel) 
Fixed DSK-287467 (Using old shortcut for closing widgets makes a crash) 
Fixed DSK-288626 (Impossible to add local books in eBook reader widget) 
Fixed DSK-288811 (It is possible to run installation wizard of two widgets simultaneously) 
Fixed DSK-288963 (Uninstalling widgets from panel crashes Opera) 
Fixed DSK-291526 (Widget installer fails to start)
Fixed DSK-283245 (Impossible to run Yandex widget with non latin characters in its name) 
Fixed DSK-283529 (Widgets that have not been "upgraded" do not appear in panel) 
Fixed DSK-285579 (Widget Install Wizard - widget icon clips string) 
Fixed DSK-285602 (Installed widgets are not displayed in panel) 
Fixed DSK-285604 (Control buttons never disappear) 
Fixed DSK-285627 (Widget process name is "opera") 
Fixed DSK-285630 (Additional Opera icon is displayed in tray for each widget launched) 
Fixed DSK-285640 (Always below + show desktop makes widget is unreachable in Ubuntu) 
Fixed DSK-285646 ("About this widget" is missing in Widget Install Wizard) 
Fixed DSK-285648 (%s is displayed between "by" and "author") 
Fixed DSK-287411 (Crash when trying to run widget installer of particular widget) 
Fixed DSK-287706 (Error when creating deb package from widget with application mode) 
Fixed DSK-287707 (Crash when creating deb package from widget that runs in widget mode) 
Fixed DSK-288237 (Select menu (dropdown) is displayed in upper left corner of the screen) 
Fixed DSK-288974 (Widget Install Wizard does not appear if widget has a long name)

Fixed DSK-291313 (DST optimisation returning incorrect DST offset value - date handling off) 
Fixed DSK-285556 (Printing from the context menu results in error) 
Fixed DSK-217253 (Plugin detecting method npdsplay.dll->np-mswmp.dll)

Fixed DSK-289401 (Have anti-aliasing / subpixel hinting like Xft, using Xft settings) 
Fixed DSK-291428 (Overlayed dialogs can be covered by flash) 
Fixed DSK-292073 (Opera crashes on startup when running with 16-bit depth) 
Fixed DSK-292075 (UserJS HTTPS warning dialog should be overlayed) 
Fixed DSK-281529 (Fix issues with inputting certain character sets) 
Fixed DSK-278861 (Page-scroll shortcuts shift-space / space not working at all in Opera 10.50)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

تحميل البرنامج

Opera 1052 build 3344