نسخة جديدة صدرت من أوبرا وهي بتاريخ 2010/3/30
وهذة النسخة تعالج عدة امور تتعلق بمشاكل الإتصال بالإنترنت connection issues
Here is a new snapshot. As you will see from the changelog it only includes Core fixes, so if you are awaiting a specific platform or interface bug to be fixed, then this is not the snapshot that will resolve your specific issue. However, it does fix several bugs relating to connection issues, and although the list of bug fixes is not long it should fix a number of seemingly unrelated networking problems (including the dreaded "Waiting for DNS" issue). So if you were having connection issues then this is the build you have been waiting for.
Fixed CORE-23591 (sending HEAD requests for non-resolvable domain name forever)
Fixed CORE-28588 (Network problem when using proxy)
Fixed CORE-28805 (Opera crashes on page unloading)
Fixed CORE-28837 (console.info is missing so pages using it doesn't load
Opera 1052 build 3338

وهذة النسخة تعالج عدة امور تتعلق بمشاكل الإتصال بالإنترنت connection issues
Here is a new snapshot. As you will see from the changelog it only includes Core fixes, so if you are awaiting a specific platform or interface bug to be fixed, then this is not the snapshot that will resolve your specific issue. However, it does fix several bugs relating to connection issues, and although the list of bug fixes is not long it should fix a number of seemingly unrelated networking problems (including the dreaded "Waiting for DNS" issue). So if you were having connection issues then this is the build you have been waiting for.
التغيرات في النسخة الجديدة
Fixed CORE-23591 (sending HEAD requests for non-resolvable domain name forever)
Fixed CORE-28588 (Network problem when using proxy)
Fixed CORE-28805 (Opera crashes on page unloading)
Fixed CORE-28837 (console.info is missing so pages using it doesn't load
حمل البرنامج
Opera 1052 build 3338