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جديد البرامج لليوم


ستار جديد

ملاحظة مهمة : ارجو استخدام البرامج والشروحات في ما يرضي الله

انت الزائر رقم


لمواضيعى وردودى اعتبارامن 13/2/2006

اسم البرنامج : SearchTruth.Hadith.Reader.Pro.Bukhari

الاصدار : v1.10 :new:

وصف البرنامج : تستطيع من خلال هذا البرنامج البحث عن الحديث النبوي الشريف في ( صحيح البخاري ) صحيح البخاري كامل وباللغة الانجليزية

Read the English translation (by M.Mohsin Khan) of Sahih Bukhari (Hadith) Collection on Java Enabled Phones.
Hadith Reader for Mobiles will allow you to install the English translation of the complete collection of Sahih Bukhari (translation by M. Mohsin Khan) in your Java-enabled Mobiles/devices. Hadith Reader will allow you to read and search through the collection of Hadith in a well presented fashion and will allow you to browse to particular books/volumes or hadith(s) seamlessly.
Hadith Reader is fully colored and supports hadith highlighting for easy reading. It also contains other useful features such as:
1. Full stylus and mouse support
2. Setting and retrieving up to five bookmarks
3. Zooming-in and Zooming-out (enlarging/reducing font size)
4. Science of Hadith fully explained

Compatible Devices
BenQ P30
BenQ P31
Diamond Mako
Ericsson MC218
Ericsson R380
Motorola A1000
Motorola A920
Motorola A925
Nokia 3230
Nokia 3600
Nokia 3620
Nokia 3620-AT&T
Nokia 3620-Cingular
Nokia 3620-TMobile
Nokia 3650
Nokia 3660
Nokia 3660-AT&T
Nokia 3660-Cingular
Nokia 3660-TMobile
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6670
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Nokia 6682
Nokia 6708 (UIQ)
Nokia 7610
Nokia 7650
Nokia 7710
Nokia 9200 Series Communicator
Nokia 9210 Communicator
Nokia 9290 Communicator
Nokia 9300
Nokia 9500
Nokia N-Gage
Nokia N-Gage QD
Nokia N-Gage-AT&T
Nokia N-Gage-Cingular
Nokia N-Gage-TMobile

التحميل على هذا الرابط:


او من هنا:


برنامج BMD DigiClock v 1 ساعة رقمية لجوالك

البرنامج اخواني ساعة رقمية جميلة للجوال

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برنامج التقويم الرائع Papyrus.v1.1.03.S60.SymbianOS6/OS7/OS8 احدث اصدار كامل

هذا برنامج التقويم الجديد و الذي يشبه قي عمله برنامج aqua calender لا بل و يفوقه بكثير من ناحية الاداء و الجوده
و يقوم بتنظيم المواعيد و المنبهات و الاحداث

The complete management solution for your Symbian 60

Manage your busy life with Papyrus and your mobile phone. Papyrus is a robust time management solution for Symbian series 60 devices. Papyrus offers many smart views and powerful tools to manage and keep track of your schedule. This is how your Symbian 60 is supposed to act

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برنامج mTrack v 1 لحساب استهلاك السيارة

يقوم هذا البرنامج اخواني بحساب استهلاك سيارتك من الوقود

البرنامج مجاني

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برنامج F1 Mobile v 1.1.1 لعشاق سباقات الفورميولا 1

البرنامج اخواني يحتوي على كل المعلومات اللازمة لبطولة 2006

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برنامج الفلك microSky v 2.1.1

البرنامج اخواني مفيد للمهتمين بالفلك و الاجرام السماوية

البرنامج مجاني

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برنامج البحث داخل الجوال SEPT-Solutions.Mobile.Search.v2.05.S60 احدث اصدار

Mobile Search is the first complete search application for the Symbian platform. After entering any search string, the native C++ application searches for results in the following areas:
Contacts, search is processed in any field
Calendar, inclusive notes, appointments and anniverseries
Todo application
SMS in all folders and custom subfolders
Email in all folders and custom subfolders, searches in body as well as subject line
complete file system regarding filenames, found files can be viewed in associated application
With the integrated option dialog, you can define in which sections of the mobile the search should be processed to get your results as fast as possible.
After successful search, you 'll get a list with all found results, which can be directly viewed. You can also switch to the associated application, when a contact is selected, you can even jump directly to the correct entry in the contacts application.

Selected listbox entry is also copied to clipboard automatically

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برنامج CellTrack v 1.18 لمعرفة المزيد عن جوالك و عن الشبكة المزودة

هذا أخر اصدار اخواني من البرنامج

وظيفته هي تزويدك بمعلومات عن الجوال و نسبة شحن البطارية و كذلك قوة ارسال الشبكة و معلومات أخرى عديدة

الجديد في هذا الاصدار:

* option to set light on when charging
* add features for SendoX
* fixed: no bitmap on direction off
* fixed: inserting after phone reset

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برنامج Clearevo Ltd DaysToDay v2.0 لتنظيم جدول اعمالك اليومية

Prepare for your important days or projects by knowing how many days you will have until a specified date. Get to know what DATE AND DAY OF WEEK it will be after a number of days. You'd probably don't want to count the calendar when there are like hundreds of days to count (or even less), but this app can count up to millions! Many other uses as well!

Improvements from V1.2:

- The new algorithm used in this version is NOT LIMITED TO JUST 1970 OR OTHER DEVICE-DEPENDENT LIMITS! This version can deal with dates thousands of years away, whatever the device. There are many important dates far away from our time!

- New quick date input replaces the device-dependent calendar chooser of the previous version.

- Two new practical functions: "Coming DayOfWeek" and "Previous DayOfWeek" for you to get answers to usual questions that might come to your mind like "what's the date for the coming Friday?" or "what's the date for the previous Saturday?" quickly and easily.

Twelve functions:

1. Now To Future: Enter a future date and find out how many days you have left until the date and what day of week is the date.

2. Past To Now: Enter a past date and find out how many days you had from date until now and what day of week is the date.

3. Between Dates: Enter two dates and find out how many days are between them.

4. Coming DayOfWeek: Choose the day of week (e.g., Saturday) and get to know what's the coming date for it instantly (e.g., the date for the coming Saturday).

5. Previous DayOfWeek: Choose the day of week (e.g., Saturday) and get to know what's the previous date for it instantly (e.g., the date for the previous Saturday).

6. Monthly DayOfWeek: List all the chosen day of week in each month (e.g., find out what date is the first, second, third... Monday in March 2004.)

7. Date -> Day: Enter a date and find out what day of week is it.

8. Days Plus Now: Find out what date and day of week will it be after an entered number of days.

9. Days Minus Now: Find out what date and day of week was it an entered number of days before today.

10. Days Plus Date: Find out what date and day of week it is for a number of days after a date.

11. Days Minus Date: Find out what date and day of week it is for a number of days before a date.

12. Leap Year Check: Find out if the year entered is a leap year.

Compatible Devices
BenQ P30
BenQ P31
Diamond Mako
Ericsson MC218
Ericsson R380
Motorola A1000
Motorola A920
Motorola A925
Nokia 3230
Nokia 3600
Nokia 3620
Nokia 3620-AT&T
Nokia 3620-Cingular
Nokia 3620-TMobile
Nokia 3650
Nokia 3660
Nokia 3660-AT&T
Nokia 3660-Cingular
Nokia 3660-TMobile
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6670
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Nokia 6682
Nokia 6708 (UIQ)
Nokia 7610
Nokia 7650
Nokia 7710
Nokia 9200 Series Communicator
Nokia 9210 Communicator
Nokia 9290 Communicator
Nokia 9300
Nokia 9500
Nokia N-Gage
Nokia N-Gage QD
Nokia N-Gage-AT&T
Nokia N-Gage-Cingular
Nokia N-Gage-TMobile
Nokia N70
Nokia N90
Nokia N91
Nokia Series 60
Panasonic X700
Panasonic X800
Psion netBook
Psion Revo Plus
Psion Siena
Samsung SGH-D720
Samsung SGH-D730
Siemens SX1
Sony Ericsson P800
Sony Ericsson P900
Sony Ericsson P910
Sony Ericsson P990

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